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发布时间:2018-04-09 20:10

  本文选题:智慧城市 切入点:信息通信技术 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:翻译材料选自《从智慧城市到智慧区域:场所互联网的数字服务》(From Smart City to Smart Region:Digital Services for an Internet of Places)一书的第三章“两个应用研究项目:信息通信技术的空间影响和潜力”(“Two Applied Research Projects:Spatial Impacts and Potentials of ICTs”)。节选文本主要以米兰大学城校园和包括波维萨校区和2015世博会场地在内的大米兰区为研究对象,探索信息通信技术的空间影响和潜力。该文本的翻译,对中国智慧城市和智慧区域的发展有一定参考价值。本报告分为四部分。第一部分主要介绍了材料来源、作品简介、作者简介、选题意义。翻译材料属于科技文本,语言风格准确、严谨、专业、逻辑性强。第二部分为翻译过程描述。笔者查阅城市规划、智慧城市领域的相关背景资料,帮助自己更好理解原文。通过专业词典和权威网站相结合的方式,确定专业术语的规范译名。对于长难句,采用拆译、增词、词性转换等翻译技巧进行句型重组。翻译之后,对译文进行了多次审读、润色,最终定稿。第三部分为翻译案例分析。笔者根据科技文本的翻译策略从词汇、句法、语篇三方面对文中遇到的难点进行分析,主要包括科技词汇的翻译,名词化结构、被动语态、非限定式、长难句的翻译,以及语篇翻译。第四部分为翻译实践总结。笔者认识到,要想做好科技文本的翻译,不仅要有优秀的中英文转换能力,还要广泛涉猎不同领域的专业知识,善用网络和平行文本。本翻译报告旨在阐述翻译过程中遇到问题和所采用翻译策略,对翻译任务进行总结和反思,不仅提高了笔者的翻译能力,也希望能对从事该行业文本翻译的译者提供一定的参考。
[Abstract]:"from Smart City to Smart Region:Digital Services for an Internet of places" Chapter 3, "two Applied Research projects: the Spatial impact and potential of Information and Communication Technology", from the City of Wisdom to the region of Wisdom."Two Applied Research Projects:Spatial Impacts and Potentials of ICTs".The selected texts mainly focus on the campus of Milan University City and the Grand Milan area including Povia Campus and World Expo 2015 to explore the spatial impact and potential of information and communication technology.The translation of this text has certain reference value for the development of Chinese wisdom city and wisdom region.The report is divided into four parts.The first part mainly introduces the material source, the work brief introduction, the author brief introduction, the selected topic significance.Translation materials belong to scientific and technical text, language style accurate, rigorous, professional, logical.The second part is the description of translation process.I refer to urban planning, intelligent city field background information to help you better understand the original.Through the combination of professional dictionaries and authoritative websites, the standard translation of professional terms is determined.For long difficult sentences, translation techniques such as disassembly, word addition and part of speech conversion are used to restructure sentence patterns.After translation, the translation was reviewed, polished, and finalized.The third part is a case study of translation.According to the translation strategies of scientific and technological texts, the author analyzes the difficulties encountered in the text from three aspects: lexical, syntactic and textual, including the translation of scientific and technological words, nominalization, passive voice, unqualified and long difficult sentences.And text translation.The fourth part is a summary of translation practice.The author realizes that the translation of scientific and technological texts requires not only excellent English and Chinese translation skills, but also extensive expertise in different fields, making good use of the network and parallel texts.The purpose of this translation report is to explain the problems encountered in the process of translation and the translation strategies adopted, and to summarize and reflect on the translation task, which not only improves the author's translation ability, but also improves the translation ability of the author.It also hopes to provide some reference for translators engaged in text translation in this industry.


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