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发布时间:2018-04-09 22:30

  本文选题:逆商 切入点:高中生 出处:《内蒙古师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:保罗·史托兹在1997年提出逆商(Adversity Quotient)这一概念,逆商全称为逆境商数,它是指人们面对逆境时的反应方式,即面对挫折、摆脱困境和超越困难的能力。作为英语教师,我们有责任和义务在课堂中对学生进行语言知识传授的同时,还应该注重培养他们的非智力因素,特别是应对英语学习逆境的能力。这对于帮助学生提高英语学习逆商、战胜英语语言学习中的困难有深远的意义。在高中英语教学中通过不断引导学生战胜英语学习过程中的逆境与挫折,帮助学生产生持之以恒的动力来树立其学好英语的信心,提高学生英语学习逆商减少和转化学困生,对我们英语教学的全面增效提质大有裨益,对学生今后的学习和人生也将产生深远影响。所以,英语学科教学与逆商培养的有机结合值得我们在理论与实践两方面去进行探索。本研究的研究目的是为了调查高中生英语学习逆商水平。研究采取了目的取样,选取了内蒙古师范大学附属中学、呼和浩特市铁路二中、呼和浩特市第六中学这三个不同层次水平的学校作为研究对象,抽取了高一、高二年级共364名高中生。研究工具采用了修订过的英语学习逆境反应量表(ARP)。通过英语学习逆境反应量表的调查需要解决以下几个问题:1.高中生英语学习逆商的总体水平,以及逆商的四个维度(控制感、起源与责任归属、持续范围与影响时间)哪一维度对学生的英语学习逆商影响较大;2.高中生英语学习逆商与学校层次水平是否存在显著差异;3.高中生英语学习逆商在其年级、性别方面是否存在显著差异。同时利用深度访谈的方式,在三个不同层次水平的学校中选取了高一、高二共计十位学生进行了访谈,进一步了解影响高中生英语学习逆商的因素。已收集的数据通过SPSS 20.0分析得出以下结论:1.高中生英语学习逆商总体水平处于平均水平,其中逆商的起源与责任归属这一维度对学生的英语学习逆商影响较大;2.高中生英语学习逆商与学校水平存在显著差异;3.高中生英语学习逆商在年级与性别上均不存在显著差异。最后,通过访谈得出控制感这一维度对学生英语学习逆商影响较大。本研究调查结果对将积极心理学理论引进英语教学课堂,提高英语教师课堂教学质量,培养学生积极进取的学习态度等方面有一定的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:Paul Stoz put forward the concept of inverse quotient in 1997. Inverse quotient is called adversity quotient. It refers to the way people react in the face of adversity, that is, the ability to face setbacks, extricate themselves from difficulties and surmount difficulties.As English teachers, it is our duty and duty to teach students language knowledge in class, and at the same time, we should pay attention to cultivate their non-intelligence factors, especially the ability to cope with English learning adversity.It is of great significance to help students improve their English learning quotient and overcome the difficulties in English language learning.In high school English teaching, students are guided to overcome the adversity and frustration in the process of learning English, so as to help the students to build up their confidence in learning English well, and to improve the students' English learning, to reduce and transform the students with learning difficulties.It is of great benefit to our English teaching, and will have a profound influence on students' future study and life.Therefore, the organic combination of English teaching and counter-quotient cultivation is worth exploring in both theory and practice.The purpose of this study is to investigate high school students' English learning inverse quotient level.The study took objective sampling, selected three different levels of high school, namely affiliated middle school of Inner Mongolia normal University, Huhehaote City Railway No. 2 Middle School, and Hohhot No. 6 Middle School, as the research objects, and selected the first year of senior high school.There are 364 senior high school students in grade two.The research tool is based on the revised English Learning stress response scale (ARP).The following questions need to be solved: 1.The general level of English learning inverse quotient in senior high school students, and the four dimensions (sense of control, origin and responsibility attribution, duration and time of influence) have a great influence on English learning inverse quotient of high school students.Whether there are significant differences between English learning inverse quotient and school level in senior high school students?Whether there are significant differences in English learning inverse quotient between high school students and their grades.At the same time, using the method of in-depth interview, ten senior high school students were interviewed in three different levels of schools to further understand the factors that affect the English learning inverse quotient of senior high school students.The collected data were analyzed by SPSS 20.0 to draw the following conclusion: 1.The general level of English learning inverse quotient of senior high school students is at the average level, and the dimension of origin and responsibility attribution of inverse quotient has a great influence on students' English learning inverse quotient.There are significant differences between English learning inverse quotient and school level in senior high school students.There is no significant difference between grade and gender in English learning inverse quotient of senior high school students.Finally, it is concluded that the dimension of sense of control has a great influence on students' English learning inverse quotient.The results of this study can be used for reference in introducing positive psychology theory into English teaching, improving the quality of English teachers' classroom teaching and cultivating students' positive and enterprising learning attitude.


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