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发布时间:2018-04-09 23:10

  本文选题:高中生 切入点:英语课堂沉默 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The ultimate purpose of learning a language is to communicate.With the development of globalization, English has become the dominant language in almost all international conferences and activities.However, Chinese students' English learning generally has the characteristics of more time-consuming and less effective.Most students have studied English for many years, but their poor communicative competence still can not meet the needs of social development.The phenomenon of high school students' silence in English classroom seriously hinders the smooth progress of English teaching, and also affects the improvement of students' English comprehensive ability.Most of the domestic and foreign researches on this phenomenon are focused on the stage of higher education, but few on the phenomenon of middle school students' silence. Therefore, this paper has important practical significance for the study of the phenomenon of high school students' English classroom silence.In order to improve the effect of English classroom teaching and the students' comprehensive language ability, the present study takes 198 students and 6 teachers in Hengshui No. 14 Middle School and Suning Middle School as the subjects of the study, and adopts classroom observation.This paper attempts to explore the following three basic questions: 1: 1.What is the present situation of silence in high school English classroom?What are the reasons for high school students' English classroom silence?What measures should be taken to reduce the incidence of silence?The results show that the phenomenon of English classroom silence in senior high school students is common and serious.The influencing factors can be divided into three aspects: student factor, teacher factor and external environmental factor.Among them, students and teachers have the most significant influence on classroom silence behavior.Student factors include students' interest and motivation, language proficiency, students' personality, learning habits and experiences.Teachers' factors have the most serious influence. Teachers' teaching methods, questioning, feedback and teacher-student relations all directly affect students' participation in class.Traditional culture, teaching books, classroom atmosphere and class size have the least influence.Although the phenomenon of silence is more complicated, the reasons of students' silence are contextual.Based on the above findings and interviews with teachers and students, the author puts forward some suggestions to alleviate the phenomenon of classroom silence.As far as students are concerned, they should try to improve their English proficiency and self-confidence.Teachers should improve their educational concept and teaching ability, and establish a harmonious teacher-student relationship.Finally, to create a positive, conducive classroom learning environment.


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