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发布时间:2018-04-10 10:55

  本文选题:美国霸权的困惑 + 软实力 ;参考:《新疆师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:After the collapse of the Soviet Union, no country could compete with the United States. However, the tragedy of 11 September has awakened the alarm of Americans: what should the United States do when the world is entering the global information age from the Cold War era?This translation practice task is a monograph written by Joseph Neyne in 1937.Under the guidance of Skopos theory, through a large number of examples, examples and data, this paper explains what is the confusion of American hegemony, that is, the United States is the first power in the world, but it is also facing the decline of hegemony.The author wants to use these facts to prescribe a good medicine for the ailing United States, as the author notes in the preface: "this book should not be seen only as a response to terrorist attacks, even though they are horrific.What worries me more is the future of the United States. "The translation practice is guided by Skopos theory, including Skopos, meaning, preparation before translation, problems encountered in translation and the application of Skopos in translation.Specifically, the report is divided into five parts: the first part is the origin of the translation, the background and significance of the translation practice is introduced; the second part is the translation task, including the introduction of the monograph and the steps of translation.The third part is the theoretical framework of translation: Skopos theory.It includes the core concepts and central ideas of Skopos, the three translation principles, relations and translation methods. The fourth part introduces the guidance of this theory to the author's translation practice in detail.It is analyzed from three aspects by using different translation techniques, namely lexical level (extension of word meaning, addition of lexical meaning and provincial morphology and transformation of part of speech), syntactic level (clause method, syntactic combination, order method and transformation method) and discourse level.The fifth part is the conclusion, summing up the translation experience and reflecting the deficiency, so as to guide the translation practice in the future.The confusion of American hegemony plays an important role in China's choice of road: we put forward the strategy of "peaceful rise", oppose hegemonism, and promise never to seek hegemony, but to be the surpassing of hegemony.From the historical experience of the United States, it is quite correct that China should not directly confront the superpower, but should realize the rise of a great power by developing its economy and strengthening its soft power.


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