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发布时间:2018-04-10 10:43

本文选题:初中英语 + 家庭作业 ;参考:《山西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:家庭作业在学生英语学习中起着至关重要的作用,英语家庭作业可以帮助学生很好地复习、巩固与联系他们在课堂上所学习的英语知识与技能。目前,关于英语家庭作业的研究主要集中于对英语家庭作业的设计与批改方面,忽视了学生英语作业完成过程中的影响因素,由此造成了英语家庭作业方面的诸多问题。因而,有必要对当前初中英语家庭作业完成情况进行深入的了解。本文以山西省孝义市三所初中学校的师生与家长为研究对象,采用问卷调查和访谈的形式,从教师,学生,家长三方面对初中学生英语家庭作业完成情况进行调查研究,旨在促进与改善当前初中学生英语家庭作业完成现状。主要研究问题如下:(1)当前初中学生英语家庭作业完成情况如何?(2)初中英语教师的作业设计与评价方式对学生英语作业完成有何影响?(3)学生的自身因素对英语作业完成有何影响?(4)家长英语作业参与情况对学生英语作业完成有何影响?本论文采用SPSS 17.0对数据进行分析处理,调查结果发现:当前初中学生作业完成情况整体良好,他们对英语作业持有积极态度,但是在英语作业完成方面仍存在问题与困惑。英语教师在作业设计与评价时并不能很好地考虑学生的个人兴趣以及不同的学习层次。此外,根据相关分析,笔者发现,英语教师的作业设计和评价与学生的英语作业完成没有显著相关。在完成英语作业的过程中,大部分学生能保持积极的态度,他们拥有高度的责任心,能够并乐于按时完成英语家庭作业。此外,在英语作业完成的过程中,学生能够有意识地使用元认知策略来监控自己较好地完成作业,同时能够使用资源管理策略帮助自己克服学业难题。然而在认知策略方面学生普遍表现较差。通过相关分析,笔者发现,学生的自身因素与他们的英语作业完成情况呈显著正相关。家长对英语作业的参与度,对英语作业的支持度和与学校的联系频率,以及家长的受教育程度都会对学生的英语作业完成产生影响。其中,家长的英语作业参与度越高,学生的英语成绩越好。家长的受教育程度越高,他们的英语作业参与度越高。以上调查研究成果对英语教学的启示是:英语教师应改变当前英语家庭作业设计以及批改的观念,同时不断提高自身素质,以更好地获得学生的认同感。此外,合理控制当前英语作业量与作业难度,关注大多数的学生,并丰富当前英语作业形式和内容也至关重要;而对于学生而言,应当认真对待英语家庭作业,关注英语作业完成过程中的影响因素,尤其是英语家庭作业策略的使用情况;家长应该真正的参与到学生的英语家庭作业完成过程中,加强家校联系并提供必要的指导。只有这样,学生的英语学习兴趣和英语作业完成质量才能大幅提升。
[Abstract]:Homework plays an important role in students' English learning. English homework can help students to review and consolidate their English knowledge and skills in class.At present, the research on English homework mainly focuses on the design and correction of English homework, neglecting the influencing factors in the process of students' English homework completion, resulting in many problems in English homework.Therefore, it is necessary to understand the completion of English homework in junior high school.This paper takes teachers and students and parents in three junior middle schools in Xiaoyi City, Shanxi Province as the research object, and makes an investigation on the completion of English homework of junior high school students from three aspects: teachers, students and parents by means of questionnaires and interviews.The aim is to promote and improve the present English homework of junior middle school students.The main research questions are as follows: (1) how do junior middle school students finish their English homework at present? (2) how does the assignment design and evaluation mode of junior middle school English teachers affect students' English homework completion?!!! (3) students' own factors affect their English homework.What is the impact of parents' participation in English homework on students' English homework completion?SPSS 17.0 is used to analyze and process the data in this thesis. The results show that the completion of homework in junior middle school students is generally good and they have a positive attitude towards English homework, but there are still problems and puzzles in the completion of English homework.English teachers do not consider students' individual interests and different learning levels when designing and evaluating their assignments.In addition, according to the correlation analysis, the author finds that there is no significant correlation between English teachers' homework design and evaluation and students' English homework completion.In the process of completing English homework, most students can maintain a positive attitude, they have a high degree of responsibility, can and willing to finish English homework on time.In addition, students can consciously use metacognitive strategies to monitor their homework completion and use resource management strategies to help them overcome their academic problems.However, students generally perform poorly in cognitive strategies.Through correlation analysis, the author finds that students' own factors are positively correlated with their English homework completion.The participation of parents in English homework, the degree of support for English homework, the frequency of contact with schools, and the educational level of parents all have an impact on the completion of English homework.Among them, the higher the participation of parents in English homework, the better the students' English scores.The higher the educational level of parents, the higher their participation in English homework.The findings of the above research have implications for English teaching: English teachers should change their current ideas of English homework design and correction, and constantly improve their own quality in order to gain a better identity among students.In addition, it is also important to reasonably control the amount of English homework and the difficulty of homework, pay attention to the majority of students, and enrich the form and content of current English homework. For students, English homework should be taken seriously.Attention should be paid to the factors affecting the completion of English homework, especially the use of English homework strategies. Parents should really participate in the process of students' English homework completion, strengthen the relationship between home and school and provide necessary guidance.Only in this way, students' interest in English learning and the quality of English homework can be greatly improved.


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