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发布时间:2018-04-10 10:19

  选题:科技文献翻译 视角:功能对等理论 引自:《辽宁大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是关于棉花全球发展史《棉花帝国》(Empire of Cotton)的翻译实践报告,报告涉及此书前两章的内容。该书讲述了棉花如何搅动世界。作者斯文·贝克特通过关注棉花这个到1900年成为世界上最重要的手工产业的生产部门,向读者提供了一个很好的900多年全球化的发展史。如果说18世纪的专属大宗商品是糖、20世纪的是石油,那么棉花绝对是19世纪最重要的商品了。该书讲述了全球化产业的每一个阶段,而这个产业依赖于数以百万计的奴隶、佃农和工厂工人,通过他们在悲惨境况中的工作得以有所产出。贝克特告诉我们,棉花的工业化充满了暴力,而棉花工业化进程反映了现代世界的发展。选择这部书的第一、二章作为笔者的翻译实践报告,是因为它的语言描述很具特色,对于一些专有名词以及术语的翻译是需要注意的。同时,对于文章中长难句翻译也应该重点把握。把握文本语言风格特色,运用相应的翻译技巧及策略。本篇实践报告的选题主要依据附录中的英译汉翻译材料,本文涉及三部分:导论、正文和结论。第一部分是导论,主要介绍该书主要内容、作者及简要介绍此翻译项目。第二部分是正文,主要分为三章:第一章是翻译任务描述。包括选题原因与意义,作者介绍和小说介绍。第二章是翻译过程描述。阐述了在整体了解文本的基础上,所做的一些译前准备工作、翻译过程中所遇到的一些问题以及翻译任务完成后所进行的审校工作。第三章是案例分析。提出了在进行翻译该书时遇见的困难,主要包括难以确定的词汇、复杂的句式,可采取的翻译策略与翻译技巧并针对不同问题提出不同的解决方法。最后一部分是结论。译者总结了实践过程中未能解决的翻译问题,阐述了在翻译过程中积累的经验及本次实践对今后工作和学习的启发。通过这次翻译实践任务,译者不仅学到了许多与全球史翻译相关的知识,而且还提升了自身翻译水平,为以后从事翻译工作奠定一定的基础。同时,也希望能为其他译者提供些许可参考之处。
[Abstract]:This paper is a report on the translation practice of the Cotton Empire of Cotton.The report covers the contents of the first two chapters of the book.The book tells how cotton can stir the world.By focusing on cotton, the production department of the world's most important handicraft industry by 1900, author Sven Beckett has provided readers with a good history of more than 900 years of globalization.If the 18 th century's exclusive commodities were sugar and 20 th century oil, cotton was the 19 th century's most important commodity.The book tells of every stage of the global industry, which relies on millions of slaves, sharecroppers and factory workers to produce through their miserable work.Beckett tells us that cotton industrialization is full of violence, and cotton industrialization reflects the development of the modern world.The first and second chapters of this book are chosen as the author's translation practice report because its language description is very distinctive and it is necessary to pay attention to the translation of some proper nouns and terms.At the same time, we should also focus on the translation of long difficult sentences.Grasp the stylistic features of the text language and apply the corresponding translation techniques and strategies.The topic of this practical report is based on English-to-Chinese translation materials in the appendix, this paper involves three parts: introduction, text and conclusion.The first part is an introduction, mainly introduces the main contents of the book, the author and a brief introduction to this translation project.The second part is the text, which is divided into three chapters: the first chapter is the translation task description.Including the reasons and significance of the topic, the author and the introduction of the novel.Chapter two is the description of translation process.On the basis of understanding the text as a whole, this paper expounds some pre-translation preparations, some problems encountered in the translation process and the revision work after the completion of the translation task.The third chapter is case analysis.The difficulties encountered in translating the book are put forward, including difficult words, complex sentence patterns, translation strategies and translation techniques, and different solutions to different problems.The last part is the conclusion.The translator summarizes the translation problems which have not been solved in the course of practice, and expounds the experience accumulated in the course of translation and the inspiration of this practice to the future work and study.Through this practical translation task, the translator has not only learned a lot of knowledge related to the translation of global history, but also improved his own translation level, which will lay a foundation for future translation work.At the same time, I hope to provide some references for other translators.


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