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发布时间:2018-04-12 19:52

  本文选题:国际贸易谈判 + 茶叶企业 ; 参考:《福建茶叶》2017年11期

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of tea export trade, a large number of tea enterprises began to internationalize, and international business exchanges became more and more frequent.In the process of tea trade with foreign countries, it is inevitable to conduct trade negotiations with various countries.Since international trade negotiations are closely related to the international development strategies of enterprises, the quality of international trade negotiations is directly related to the good or bad communication skills of business English.Especially in the field of tea, it is highly professional and involves a lot of nouns. A person who is very proficient in English may not know much about the relevant terms in the field of tea, which brings many difficulties to the international trade negotiation of tea.In this paper, the author summarizes some techniques of business English communication in tea international trade negotiations. The use of these business English communication skills can significantly enhance the initiative of negotiators in the process of communication.Not to suffer from English language problems in trade negotiations.Therefore, the relevant government officials should try their best to learn the communication skills of this kind of business English so as to make the international strategy of tea enterprises in our country more smooth and accumulate reputation and benefit constantly.The foreign trade personnel of tea enterprises in China should further deepen their knowledge of tea and business English, improve the success rate of trade, and strengthen their English communication skills.
【作者单位】: 陕西国际商贸学院基础课部;


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