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发布时间:2018-04-13 17:44

  本文选题:刘震云 + 葛浩文 ; 参考:《上海外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Liu Zhenyun is an important writer of the "China literature going out in the tide, his works won the favor and translation Sinologist Goldblatt, however, little research works of Liu Zhenyun Ge translation. This paper selected for Ge Haowen and his wife Lin Lijun Liu Zhenyun long novel" I am not Pan Jinlian > English version for example, from the original meaning of irony, language and narrative bending circuitous, folk discourse and official discourse of the three style and its English translation as the starting point, the couple co translation analysis and Ge Ge considerations, to enrich the translation and dissemination of diachronic study, contemporary literature of the overseas Chinese can have a reflection. Chapter 2 is the literature review, and evaluation of Liu Zhenyun's creative themes and style and works "I'm not Pan Jinlian > and Goldblatt domestic research status were summarized to second. The fourth chapter describes the characteristics of "I'm not Pan Jinlian style" from three different levels, in order to couple Palaemon versions as an example, analyses how to reproduce the original style in translation. The English translation of the second chapter in the theme of the novel analyzes the characters in the novel name and nickname irony representation, discusses the couple for Palaemon explicitation strategies include footnotes, endnotes to circumvent; translation of irony of this chapter is also intended to coincide with the plot from the novel dialogue to pause the construction, analyze and summarize the factors need to pay attention to novel dialogue translation. The third chapter through the analysis of the author in the language, plot, narrative and the wound as a result of the formation of circuitous narrative effect, to explore how to reproduce the original winding repeated without affecting the readers interest in the style of folk discourse. Intertwined the fourth chapter through the analysis works English translation and official discourse, to register and register for the reproduction of the original style cross conversion. Overall, the composition of the couple Palaemon translated word fluency vivid, the faithful to the original style, but the two translators to avoid footnotes and endnotes in a not ironic effect on Liu Zhenyun deliberately weakened; loop repetitive style fragment, translators pursuing readability and the style of the original Derogation in translation; translator for cross register switching to grasp the text are not perfect. In a word, translated Glov and Humphreys when the model, the mode of translation and translation strategies is of great significance, for overseas communication the contemporary literature Chinese however, versions of the audience is yet to be research and study.



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