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发布时间:2018-04-13 18:26

  本文选题:交互式阅读模式 + 英语阅读教学 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of international communication in modern society, English as the most important language medium of international communication is playing a more and more important role.English learners pay more attention to their ability to understand and communicate with each other. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the cultivation of students' ability to use English in the teaching of English subjects.As an important language comprehension ability, reading ability is an essential skill in modern English communication learning. However, in traditional reading teaching, teachers tend to pay more attention to the teaching of English vocabulary, sentence patterns and grammar.Ignoring the teaching of reading strategies and the cultivation of reading skills, the students' reading ability is still weak after several years of English learning under the traditional reading teaching mode.This kind of inefficient traditional reading teaching mode needs to be changed urgently.In the middle school English reading class, teachers should focus on developing students' English reading skills rather than teaching language knowledge.English reading teaching mode should be adopted which can stimulate students' reading interest and demand and effectively improve students' English reading ability.A number of modern studies on English reading have shown that reading is an interactive cognitive understanding process, and efficient reading patterns include both top-down and bottom-up cognitive comprehension processes.The two cognitive models interact with each other and complement each other to maximize their understanding of the reading text.Based on the understanding of the interactive English reading model, the author attempts to apply the model to the teaching of English reading in middle schools and to verify the effectiveness of the model in developing students' English reading ability.First of all, the author deeply discusses the key factors that affect the reading process in the interactive reading mode and the internal mechanism of the interaction to promote the reading comprehension, thus establishing the theoretical foundation for the author to use the model to teach reading.Secondly, the author deeply analyzes and explains the main strategies and methods of English reading teaching in middle schools based on interactive reading mode.Finally, the author uses the interactive reading teaching method in the middle school English classroom to carry on the classroom teaching practice and the research, through the reading teaching practice and the research discovery.The English reading teaching based on the interactive reading model pays more attention to the students' reading process and their understanding of the text, and pays more attention to the guidance and training of the students' rational use of reading strategies.English reading teaching based on interactive reading mode is more effective than traditional reading teaching in developing and improving students' English reading ability.


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