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发布时间:2018-04-13 21:05

  本文选题:《德宏阿昌族民间科学技术》 + 语义翻译和交际翻译 ; 参考:《云南农业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The translation report is based on the translation practice of the Chinese to English translation in the Chinese and English translation section of the second chapter of Dehong Achang Folk Science and Technology compiled by Professor Qin Ying of Yunnan Agricultural University.The book mainly introduces the characteristic culture of Achang nationality from five parts: farming, food, clothing, architecture and handicraft.The translator chooses the eating part P89-98 as the translation practice.This part mainly narrates the unique culture of the Achang ethnic group, including the belief in food vulgar, the farming custom, the age food custom and the life etiquette food custom.This part involves a large number of culture-loaded words and words with ethnic characteristics. How to translate such words accurately is a major target of translators' translation practice and a great challenge.In order to transmit the original information faithfully to the target readers without losing their national characteristics, the translator chooses Newmark's communicative translation and semantic translation as the theoretical guidance.Newmark defines semantic translation and communicative translation as "within the scope of the semantic and syntactic structure of the target language".Try to translate the exact contextual meaning of the original text "and" the effect created for the target readers as close as possible to the original readers.The translator chooses the translation methods and techniques such as literal translation, free translation, transliteration and transliteration plus note, sentence recombination, incremental translation and subtraction to carry out translation practice.In addition, the translator makes a detailed analysis of translation theory, translation methods and the use of translation techniques with relevant examples.This translation has enabled the translator to apply translation expertise to professional practice and accumulated some experience and improved the translator's ability to translate culture-loaded words.


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