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发布时间:2018-04-14 03:27

  本文选题:《论语》 + 英译文语篇 ; 参考:《当代修辞学》2016年05期

【摘要】:本文对《论语》的Arthur Waley译本和刘殿爵译本中评价系统之判断资源进行分析,探索评价之判断资源作为一种语言和超语言资源如何帮助译者再现《论语》的表现修辞功能,以及构建文本中孔子的修辞权威并实现其劝说目的,同时也尝试发现不同译者在评价系统之判断资源的使用上是否存在共性与差异性。研究发现,判断资源是帮助译者实现表现修辞语篇的修辞功能并构建修辞人格的重要资源。两种英译文都频繁运用了判断资源,且在大多数判断资源的子范畴种类上无显著差异。判断资源的高频出现形成了语篇的表现修辞特质,构建了孔子充满明智、美德与善意的修辞人格,并由此形成了强大的修辞权威,是一种有效的修辞手段。
[Abstract]:Analysis and evaluation system based on judgement Resources > Arthur Waley < The Analects of Confucius and Liu Dianjue's versions, performance of rhetorical function as a language and explore how to help the translator to reproduce "super language resource resource evaluation of Analects > judgment, and the construction of text rhetoric and Confucius's authority to achieve their purpose, and at the same time different translators are found similarities and differences in the use of judgment whether the resource evaluation system. The study found that judge resources are important resources for the translators performance practice and construct discourse rhetoric function words rhetoric of personality. The two versions are frequently used to determine resources, and in most sub categories on the judgement resources there was no significant difference. The emergence of high-frequency judgment resources forming a rhetorical discourse characteristics, construct the Confucius full of wise, virtue and good ethos, and the A powerful rhetorical authority is formed, which is an effective rhetorical device.

【作者单位】: 曲阜师范大学外国语学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社科研究规划基金项目“基于语料库的《论语》英译研究——系统功能语言学和西方修辞学视角”(13Y JA 740022)阶段性成果之一


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