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发布时间:2018-04-15 11:29

  本文选题:太空女英雄 + 模拟同传 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous exploration of the universe, space engineering has become the most dynamic and influential field in the 21st century.Manned spaceships landing in space have attracted worldwide attention, and more and more people are interested in spaceflight knowledge.Documentary is to take the real life as the creation material, take the real person as the expression object, introduces the scientific knowledge in a deep and simple way, this kind of way is more advantageous to the knowledge dissemination.American space technology is in the leading position in the world, however, few people try to interpret American space documentary.Therefore, the author chooses BBC Global Service documentary "Space Heroes" to carry out English-Chinese simulation co-propagation practice, hoping to help viewers better understand space knowledge. BBCGlobal Service is the largest international broadcaster in the world.Aimed at spreading the world's most famous and authoritative voice, BBC Global Service released a 45-minute documentary, Space Heroes, in 2016.The documentary focuses on female astronauts Wally, one of the first astronauts in the United States, focusing on the discrimination encountered by women astronauts in space exploration and their contributions.The documentary follows Wally's interview with producer Xiao Su to NASA, and uses dialogue and narration as the main means of expression. Space engineers and female astronauts from different countries share their experiences and experiences in different English accents.Different speed and intonation, as well as a large number of aerospace terms, make it more difficult to simulate simultaneous transmission.The report is divided into three parts.In the first chapter, the author briefly introduces the purpose and task of the co-transmission simulation practice, describes the whole process of practice, including pre-translation preparation and interpretation process, and introduces how to prepare parallel texts in pre-translation preparation.Collect background information and vocabulary prediction.The second chapter analyzes the use of interpretation techniques in simulation practice with examples, focusing on syntactic breaking, adding translation and sentence driven interpretation techniques.In the last chapter, the author analyzes the problems of missing translation and false translation in practice, and puts forward the corresponding solutions.


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