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发布时间:2018-04-15 19:58

  本文选题:英语教师 + 教学风格 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:批判性思维近几年已经成为了评判中国教育体系和学生素质的活靶子。中外媒体一直炒作“中国学生到底会不会批判性思维”,很多人开始质疑中国的教育体制,认为填鸭式的教育扼杀了学习的创造性。众多观点纷纷涌现,然而很少有人研究英语教学风格与学生的批判性思维两者之间的关系,那么教学风格对学习批判性思维到底影响有多大?基于此,很有必要加强学生批判性思维与教师教学风格二者关系的研究。文本旨在探讨英语教师教学风格与高中生批判性思维倾向两者之间的作用机制,了解英语教师教学风格和高中生批判性思维的现状和特点,帮助高中英语教师快速形成有效的教学风格,让他们学生的批判性思维能力进一步得到提高。本研究在山西省忻州市五台中学进行了问卷调查,采用了《批判性思维能力量表》和《教师风格调查问卷》,以班为单位,对学生进行随机抽样后共得到300份问卷。经过整理,剔除无效问卷24份,最后筛选出276名被试,回收率是92%。运用SPSS 20.0和Microsoft Excel软件输入数据,进行统计分析,研究结果如下:(1)英语教师使用频率最多的教学风格是关爱他人型,其次也经常在教学中使用逻辑型和幽默型,相对较少地使用创造型教学风格;高中男生和女生对所期待的英语教师教学风格在性别上差异不显著;除创造型教学风格外,英语教师教学风格在年级上差异显著,且高二年级的学生得分最高。(2)80%以上的高中生批判性思维倾向为负性,且在各7个维度上,平均分都低于40分,都没有达到相应的批判性思维能力。此外,除在寻找真相、开放思维和认知成熟度三个维度上,男女生的批判性思维能力存在显著差异,但是在其他分量表和思维总分上性别差异不显著。在批判性思维总分,寻找真相,开放思想,求知欲和认知成熟度分量表上,高中生的批判性思维存在着显著的年级差异。(3)除在分析分量表外,在英语教师创造型教学风格下的高中生的批判性思维能力无论是在总分还是在其余分量表上都得分最高。在逻辑型教学风格下的高中生的批判性思维能力在分析分量表得分最高。(4)访谈得知,不同类型的教学风格对学生思维发展有不同的影响。逻辑型教学风格促使学生的思维趋于严密,从而造成学生独立思考、崇尚理性思维良好品格。创造型教学风格对学生创造性思维的发展,起到了很好的示范、诱导、激发的作用。
[Abstract]:Critical thinking has become a living target for judging the quality of Chinese education system and students in recent years.Chinese and foreign media have been hyping "whether Chinese students can think critically", and many people begin to question China's educational system, saying that cramming education stifles the creativity of learning.However, few people have studied the relationship between English teaching style and students' critical thinking. How much influence does teaching style have on learning critical thinking?Based on this, it is necessary to strengthen the study of the relationship between students' critical thinking and teachers' teaching style.The purpose of this paper is to explore the mechanism between the teaching style of English teachers and the critical thinking tendency of senior high school students, and to understand the present situation and characteristics of the teaching style of English teachers and the critical thinking of senior high school students.Help high school English teachers to form effective teaching style quickly and improve their students' critical thinking ability.A questionnaire survey was conducted in Wutai Middle School of Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province. A total of 300 questionnaires were obtained by using the critical thinking ability scale and the teacher's style questionnaire.After sorting out 24 invalid questionnaires, 276 subjects were selected and the recovery rate was 922%.Using SPSS 20.0 and Microsoft Excel software to input data and make statistical analysis, the results are as follows: (1) the most frequently used teaching style of English teachers is caring for others, and logic and humor are often used in teaching.Creative teaching style is used less; there is no significant gender difference between male and female students in the expected teaching style of English teachers; in addition to creative teaching style, there are significant differences in English teachers' teaching styles in grade.And the students in grade two of senior high school had the highest scores. 80% or more of senior high school students had negative tendency of critical thinking, and the average score of each dimension was less than 40, all of them did not reach the corresponding critical thinking ability.In addition, except for the three dimensions of seeking truth, open thinking and cognitive maturity, there are significant differences in critical thinking ability of male and female students, but there is no significant gender difference in other component tables and total scores of thinking.On the total score of critical thinking, seeking truth, open thinking, desire for knowledge and cognitive maturity scale, there is a significant grade difference in critical thinking of high school students.The critical thinking ability of high school students under the creative teaching style of English teachers has the highest scores both in the total score and in the other component tables.The critical thinking ability of senior high school students under the logic teaching style has different influence on the development of students' thinking.The logical teaching style promotes the students' thinking to be strict, which makes students think independently and advocates the good character of rational thinking.Creative teaching style plays a good role in demonstrating, inducing and stimulating the development of students' creative thinking.


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