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发布时间:2018-04-15 21:30

  本文选题:范文阅读 + 大学生英语写作 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:English writing is an indispensable part of English teaching.As a language output, writing can best reflect the learners' comprehensive English proficiency among the four basic skills.However, in current college English teaching, writing is still weak and students' writing ability is poor.On the one hand, students have nothing to say, nothing to write; on the other hand, the language level of students is too simple, the ability to make sentences is weak.As more and more college students choose to study abroad, English writing has become a stumbling block for them to obtain high TOEFL scores.As language is the most important factor in judging TOEFL's independent writing scores, how to improve students' language proficiency has become an important subject in TOEFL writing teaching and research.Academic circles at home and abroad have done a lot of research on the relationship between model writing and writing.Most of the studies focus on the effects of imitation, reading and writing, and after reading on writing.There are few contrastive studies on model text reading and model text translation.Based on Krashen's input hypothesis and Swain's output hypothesis, this paper attempts to explore the effects of model text reading and model text translation on TOEFL writing language proficiency by means of experiments.It is hoped that effective teaching and learning methods will be proposed to improve the language proficiency of writing, that is, language accuracy, complexity and fluency.This study focuses on the following two questions: 1) can model text reading improve the language proficiency of college students in TOEFL writing? (2) which mode of reading can improve the language proficiency of TOEFL writing better, model translation or direct reading?In this study, 30 students of two classes in the autumn class of New Waterway were selected as the experimental objects. The experiment was conducted for six weeks. The research data were obtained by the method of combining test and experiment, mainly through the method of text study.It is found that the post-test scores of both the experimental class and the control class are higher than that of the pre-test, and the language accuracy, complexity and fluency of the two classes are improved in varying degrees.The results show that model reading can improve the language proficiency of TOEFL students.In addition, it is found that the experimental class has a larger range of points than the control class, and on the basis of no significant difference in the pre-test level, the language accuracy and complexity of the experimental class are higher than that of the control class, and the fluency level of the experimental class is the same.It shows that model text translation is more helpful to improve the accuracy and complexity of the language.Finally, this paper also puts forward some methods on how to improve TOEFL writing level, summarizes the shortcomings of this paper, and puts forward some suggestions for further study.


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