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发布时间:2018-04-15 21:27

  本文选题:材料学科 + 专业课程 ; 参考:《材料科学与工程学报》2017年03期

[Abstract]:"cultivating high-quality innovative talents with international vision" and establishing international first-class universities have become one of the tenets of some high level universities in China.This paper analyzes the necessity of cultivating professional English application ability in first-class colleges and universities in China.In view of the problems existing in the current basic teaching mode of English teaching in colleges and universities in China, which is mainly characterized by general English, combining with Zhejiang University, it is necessary to establish international first-class colleges and universities.First-class subjects have a 100% overseas visiting rate for undergraduate students and the training of SRTP-based research and training programs for undergraduate students during the course of their studies has been accompanied by participation in international academic conferences.This paper discusses the necessity and importance of full English teaching in professional courses, which is directly related to the academic research of reading major foreign language materials, and has the basic requirements of high rate of further study abroad after graduation.The paper also discusses its positive effect on promoting the domestic students to go out better and to make the students from all over the world come in conveniently, and to promote the materials discipline of Zhejiang University to advance to the world's first-class level.
【作者单位】: 杭州电子科技大学外国语学院;浙江大学材料科学与工程学院;


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