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发布时间:2018-04-16 13:29

  本文选题:企业 + 风险话语 ; 参考:《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》2017年04期

【摘要】:文章以批判话语分析和评价的相关理论为基础,以汇丰控股2007年风险话语为语料,根据Fairclough(2003)的三维分析模型,从批判视角考察企业如何通过话语策略传递风险观念,从而实现对读者的操控。研究发现,企业风险话语中使用消极"鉴赏标记词"、"疾病"隐喻、"risk of"消极语义韵评价企业所面临的风险和风险状况;使用积极"鉴赏标记词"、积极"判别标记词"、"risk management"积极语义韵评价企业的风险管理团队、风险管理文化、风险行为等;使用"战争"隐喻、"地图"隐喻表达对企业有能力控制风险、战胜风险的信心。此外,企业环境和特征以及宏观的社会经济和政治环境之间的相互作用会对企业风险话语产生影响。
[Abstract]:Based on the theory of critical discourse analysis and evaluation, taking the risk discourse of HSBC Holdings in 2007 as the corpus, and according to Fairclougher 2003), this paper examines how enterprises transmit risk concepts through discourse strategies from a critical perspective.In order to achieve the manipulation of the reader.The study found that negative "appreciation markers", "disease" metaphors and "risk of" negative semantic prosody are used in enterprise risk discourse to evaluate the risk and risk situation faced by enterprises;Using positive "appreciation mark word", positive "discriminant marker word" and "risk management" positive semantic rhyme to evaluate the risk management team, risk management culture, risk behavior and so on;Using "war" metaphor, "map" metaphorical expression has the confidence that the enterprise has the ability to control and overcome the risk.In addition, the interaction between the enterprise environment and its characteristics, as well as between the macro social economy and the political environment, will have an impact on the enterprise risk discourse.
【作者单位】: 对外经济贸易大学国际学院;




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