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发布时间:2018-04-16 23:04

  本文选题:翻转课堂 + 大学英语 ; 参考:《延边大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:目前大学英语的教学模式大多仍是以教师讲授为主的教学模式,不仅课上时间有限,而且课程内容繁重,学生不能在有限的课堂时间内掌握消化所学内容。虽然课上教师会使用多媒体教学,但是学生不能充分融入到课堂教学环节中,学生的语言实际应用能力,分析问题和解决问题等能力得不到提高。2015年教育部印发的《大学英语课程教学要求》中提出:"各高等学校应改进以教师讲授为主的单一教学模式。新的教学模式应以现代信息技术为支撑,实现从以教师为中心向以学生为中心的转变。"2012年3月,《教育信息化十年发展规划(2011-2020年)》中提出:"信息技术与教育融合发展的水平显著提升。鼓励学生利用信息手段主动学习、自主学习、合作学习"。因此,充分利用现代信息技术的独特优势,实现从以教师为中心向以学生为中心的转变是一种必然趋势。本研究者结合中外研究设计出了适合大学英语课程的翻转课堂教学模式:课前,学生可以利用QQ,WeChat和其他网络平台学习微视频、音频、PPT等课前自主学习教学内容;课上,教师进行答疑解惑,同时学生有充分的时间进行各种课堂活动深入理解和运用知识,并对自己所学的知识和进行的活动以及同伴的表现进行总结和评价;课后,学生完成老师布置的写作任务,同伴之间对彼此的写作进行评价,同时预习下节课的教学内容。以某大学新生英语高级班为研究对象,运用此模式进行了一个学期的教学实验,旨在通过使用这种新型教学模式来提高和培养学生的英语综合能力,检验这种模式的有效性,并根据实验结果对教学提出建议。这些学生高考成绩均在125分以上,入学前通过参加笔试和口试被选拔的。实验班25人,控制班22人。实验班采用翻转课堂教学模式,而对照班采用以教师讲授为主的教学模式。笔者通过英语综合能力测试、学生研究报告的成绩、问卷调查和访谈收集了数据,并借助SPSS 16.0统计软件进行了数据统计,分析结果发现实施一个学期翻转课堂教学模式的实验班学生的英语综合能力的成绩明显高于对照班;另外,实验班学生的主题项目研究能力和口语发表能力也好于对照班。实验班的问卷和访谈结果表明学生认为QQ、WeChat操作简单,能使他们及时接收到老师发布的各种学习资源,不受地点和时间的限制,便于学习,但是担心看视频时使用流量过多;多数学生喜欢翻转课堂教学模式,认为课前学习任务不难的情况下,养成了学习自主、自觉的习惯;以学生为主的课堂小组合作活动、课堂发表、同伴评价和课外项目协作研究等活动,提高了他们的协作沟通、分析问题、解决问题、英语表达和评价等能力。实验班学生自我效能感的问卷与后测成绩及学生学习兴趣正相关性的分析结果,进一步验证了此教学模式有助于培养学生学习的信心。综上所述,翻转课堂是一种值得在大学英语教学中采用的有效教学模式,弥补了以教师讲授为主的教学模式中的不足,有效提高了教师教学质量和学生学习效果。但是在布置课前学习任务时,要结合课堂教学目标,提供给学生难度和数量适中的学习内容;另外,学校能够提供校园内免费上网,便于学生利用手机或电脑自由学习。本研究也存在一定的局限性,选取的样本总量较小,样本多样性不足和实验周期短。
[Abstract]:The current college English teaching mode are still teacher centered teaching mode, not only the class time is limited, and the curriculum content heavy, students cannot master and digest what they have learned in the limited classroom time. Although the class teachers use multimedia teaching, but students can not fully integrated into classroom teaching, students' practical application language ability, ability to analyze and solve problems is not improved.2015 Ministry of education < College English curriculum requirements issued > proposed: "colleges and universities should improve on Teachers' teaching as main single teaching mode. The new teaching model should be supported by modern information technology, to realize the transformation from the teacher as the center to the students as the center." in March 2012, "education informatization development planning ten years (2011-2020 years)" proposed: "information technology and education together development level significantly. L. Encourage students to use the information means of active learning, autonomous learning, cooperative learning ". Therefore, the unique advantages of making full use of modern information technology, to realize the change from teacher centered to student-centered is an inevitable trend. The combination of Chinese and foreign researchers designed for the course of College English Classroom Teaching turnover model: before class, students can use QQ, WeChat and other network learning platform of micro video, audio, PPT before class teaching content; class teachers, answering questions, while the students have sufficient time to carry out a variety of classroom activities in-depth understanding and application of knowledge, and to my knowledge and the and the performance of peers are summarized and evaluated; after class, the students completed the teacher assigned the task of writing, writing to each other between the peer evaluation, and preview the next lesson in teaching content. A freshman English class as the research object, using this model for a semester of teaching experiment, through the use of this new teaching model to cultivate and improve students' Comprehensive English ability, test the validity of this model, and according to the experimental results of the teaching suggestions. These students college entrance examination scores were more than 125 points by attending preschool, written and oral examinations were selected. 25 experimental classes, 22 students in the control class. The experimental class adopted the flipped classroom teaching mode, while the control class teacher centered teaching mode. The author through the English comprehensive ability test, students study results, questionnaires and interviews to collect data, and the statistical data by SPSS 16 statistical software, analysis results show that the experimental class a semester flip classroom teaching mode students comprehensive English ability score was significantly higher In the control group; in addition, the students of the experimental class project research ability and presentation skills or in the control class. The experimental class questionnaire and interview results show that students think that QQ WeChat has the advantages of simple operation, so that they can receive timely to the teacher released a variety of learning resources, from the point and the time limit, easy to learn, but worry about watching the video using too much traffic; flipped classroom teaching mode that most students love learning before class, not a difficult task condition, develop independent learning habit; small class combination as student-centered classroom activities, publication, peer assessment and extracurricular research project cooperation, improve cooperation their communication, problem analysis, problem solving, and evaluation of English expression ability. The results of experimental class students self-efficacy questionnaire and post test scores and the positive correlation between students' interest in learning, a Step proves that the teaching mode is helpful to cultivate students' confidence. In summary, the flipped classroom is an effective teaching mode is used in College English teaching, to make up for the lack of the teacher teaching oriented teaching mode, improve the teaching quality of teachers and students' learning effect. But in the arrangement of the course of study the task, according to the teaching objectives, to provide learning content difficulty and a moderate number; in addition, the school campus can provide free internet access, which is convenient for students to use mobile phone or computer free learning. Limitations of this study, the selected samples of total samples is small, lack of diversity and short experimental period.



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