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发布时间:2018-04-17 14:22

  本文选题:科技口译 + 释意理论 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of the global economy, the number of international joint ventures has increased dramatically.Yunnan Phosphating Group Haikou phosphorus Industry Co., Ltd. is a joint venture between Yuntian Chemical Group and Israel Chemical Group in Yunnan Province. Its main business is phosphorite mining and chemical fertilizer production.Since a group of foreign engineers were assigned to Haikou phosphorus industry to optimize energy efficiency, the author of this paper was appointed by a language service company to complete the interpretation task in Haikou phosphorus industry.This thesis is the interpretation report for one of the meetings.It is hoped that this report will contribute to the research of science and technology interpretation.In this task, the translator uses the Paris School's "interpretation Theory" and the principle of faithfulness described by Gile as the guiding principles.Based on the above theory, the translator uses such interpreting strategies as supplement, reduction and restatement to overcome the difficulties encountered in the process of interpreting.This interpretation report consists of five chapters.The first chapter shows the transcription of the original (English) and the translated (Chinese) audio.The second chapter describes the content, requirements and expectations of this task.The third chapter presents the whole process of interpretation, from pre-preparation to post-task evaluation.The fourth chapter focuses on the case study, which mainly shows the translator to solve the interpretation problem based on the above theory.Finally, the fifth chapter summarizes the whole report.


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