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发布时间:2018-04-18 07:40

  本文选题:生态城市案例 + 生态语言学 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:生态城市是一个由自然、经济和社会三部分组成的复合系统,各子系统既相互制约,又互为补充。近年来,随着生态文明作为工业文明的替代力量的兴起,人类社会将进入追求人与自然和谐的生态文明的新时期。人们不断地探索新的人类住区发展模式,“生态城市”渐渐被大众熟知和接受。生态城市的产生和发展对城市建设意义非常。生态语言学是在生态语言观的基础上衍生出的新兴学科。生态语言学的研究不仅扩宽了语言学理论的适用范围,也为生态保护工作提供了启发。生态批评话语分析被界定为生态语言学的研究方法之一,旨在反映语言与周围世界的互相依存关系的活动,揭示和解释了语言的使用如何以人类伦理为衡量尺度和判断标准来对待、构建甚至扭曲整个自然界的生态伦理。这种话语分析方式是在生态思想影响下形成的。本文在Fairclough的三维分析模式下,采用生态批评话语分析的方法,分析生态城市案例中的及物过程和评价资源,探寻生态城市规划方案中所体现或缺失的生态思想。本研究的语料是来自英国威斯敏斯特大学的国际生态城市研究计划所作的关于全球生态城市调查报告,41篇生态城市案例都来源于这个调查报告,语料共计5570字。研究发现语篇中出现了大量的物质过程,占过程总数的80. 28%。大量的物质过程体现人们在对生态城市的建设过程中寻求可持续发展,如在建设中减少环境的污染,时刻提醒我们人类的所作所为对城市生态的和谐至关重要。语料包含219处态度资源,而鉴赏资源就有177个,占81. 19%。所有态度资源几乎全为肯定意义,只有一处为否定意义。这是因为生态城市案例属于介绍性文本,号召人们来共同建设生态城市,就必须向市民传递积极信息,树立良好形象,这就决定了案例中需压倒性地使用肯定意义的态度资源。除了这些频繁出现的语言资源,其他语言资源也在生态城市案例中起重要作用,揭示深层生态思想。对生态城市案例的分析,有助于转变人们的非生态思想,反省自己在城市中的行为,提高生态环境意识。生态城市方案的一个重要贡献就是介绍了生态城市在环境保护方面做出的探索和努力,为许多可供开发,有待建成的生态城市给予了指导,呼吁所有的人珍惜和爱护生态环境。本研究更为重要贡献的是探索了生态语言创造生态意识的可能性,这可以使人们理解生态语言的内涵,将其内化,最终成为生态意识的一部分。
[Abstract]:Eco-city is a complex system composed of natural, economic and social parts. Each subsystem restricts each other and complements each other.In recent years, with the rise of ecological civilization as a substitute force of industrial civilization, human society will enter a new period of pursuing harmonious ecological civilization between man and nature.People continue to explore the new human settlements development model, "ecological city" is gradually known and accepted by the public.The emergence and development of ecological city is of great significance to urban construction.Ecolinguistics is a new subject derived from the view of ecological language.The study of ecolinguistics not only broadens the scope of application of linguistic theory, but also provides inspiration for ecological protection.Eco-critical discourse analysis is defined as one of the research methods of ecolinguistics, which aims to reflect the activities of the interdependence between language and the world around it.It reveals and explains how the use of language is treated by human ethics as a yardstick and a standard of judgment to construct and even distort the ecological ethics of the whole nature.This mode of discourse analysis is formed under the influence of ecological thought.In this paper, using the method of Eco-critical discourse Analysis (ECDA), this paper analyzes the transitivity process and evaluation resources in eco-city cases, and explores the ecological ideas embodied or missing in the eco-city planning scheme under the three-dimensional analysis model of Fairclough.The corpus of this study is a global eco-city survey report by the International Ecology City Research Program of the University of Westminster, UK. All 41 eco-city cases are derived from this survey, with a total of 5570 words.It is found that a large number of material processes occur in discourse, accounting for 80% of the total number of processes.28.A large number of material processes reflect that people seek sustainable development in the process of ecological city construction, such as reducing the pollution of the environment in the construction, reminding us that what we do is very important to the harmony of urban ecology.The corpus contains 219 attitude resources, while the appreciation resources are 177, accounting for 81. 5%.19.All attitude resources are almost positive and only one is negative.This is because the ecological city case belongs to the introductory text, calls on the people to build the ecological city together, must transmit the positive information to the citizen, establishes the good image, this decided in the case must use the affirmative significance attitude resources overwhelmingly.In addition to these frequent language resources, other language resources also play an important role in ecological city cases, revealing deep ecological thoughts.The analysis of ecological city case is helpful to change people's non-ecological thought, reflect on their behavior in the city, and raise ecological environment consciousness.An important contribution of the eco-city scheme is to introduce the exploration and efforts made by the eco-city in environmental protection. It provides guidance for many ecological cities that can be developed and needs to be built, and appeals to all people to cherish and care for the ecological environment.The more important contribution of this study is to explore the possibility of ecological language creating ecological consciousness, which can make people understand the connotation of ecological language, internalize it and finally become a part of ecological consciousness.


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