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发布时间:2018-04-18 13:02

  本文选题:风格翻译 + 风格标记体系 ; 参考:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In literature and translation studies, style, especially literary style, has been a sensitive and complex topic.The discussion and debate on this topic mainly focus on four issues: what is the literary style, how it is embodied in a particular text, whether the literary style is translatable, and if it is translatable, how to translate it.For a long time, there are neither theories to support style and translation studies, nor research models to be borrowed in academic circles. It can be said that Liu Miqing broke the deadlock in his research.He not only put forward a systematic and complete research model, but also put forward a specific method of style translation. His "style marking system" infused fresh blood into the academic circle.The system can not only guide the practice of style translation, but also provide a theoretical basis for the analysis and evaluation of the translation at the level of style reproduction.With its unique language style, special narrative techniques and overall structural design, Hulan River Biography has become a work of special value in the literary world.In view of this, this thesis chooses the English translation of Xiao Hong's representative works Hulan River and GE Haowen as the research material, and tries to answer the question whether the original artistic style is well reproduced in the translation of GE Haowen.The discussion and analysis of the style and its translation of Hulan River is helpful to recognize the style and artistic value of the novel, and to evaluate the gains and losses of GE Haowen's translation objectively and fairly at the level of style reproduction.The research methods used in this thesis are case study and text contrast analysis.With the help of Liu Miqing's "style marking system", this paper first introduces the style characteristics of Hulan River Biography as a whole, and then makes a comparative analysis of the original text and the target text at the two levels of formal and non-formal marking.The basic conclusion is that GE version reproduces the original artistic style.Liu Miqing's "style marking system" is of landmark significance in literary style and translation studies.This system not only provides a systematic and complete research model for the identification and translation of literary styles, but also contributes greatly to the translation and dissemination of literary works.


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