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发布时间:2018-04-19 02:03

  本文选题:口译实践 + 耳语传译 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The interpreting practice report for science and technology in the whisper, "2016 China electric vehicle hundred summer forum" interpreting practice as the background, through the analysis of the practice process of gain and loss, in order to provide some guidance for future practice. This paper introduces the background of the task of translation, translation process, translation case analysis in practice, the four part summarizes. The thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter is introduction. The background of the translation task in this chapter, the author introduces the 2016 Chinese electric vehicle hundred summer forum interpreting practice task background, task properties and requirements of the client are described. The second chapter is the description of the translation process. The translation process is divided into two parts and preparation before interpreting the process of translation. The translation preparation is divided into reserves of new energy vehicles, making translation plan, prediction of special circumstances, formulate The emergency plan translation process is divided into three parts; the process description, emergency treatment, post translation matters in three parts. The third chapter is the analysis on the basis of the interpretive theory of translation based on the case. In this part, the author first stated what is the interpretive theory, then the interpretive theory on the basis of the analysis based on the case. At last chapter one, the author reflects on the interpreting practice, and stated the inspiration and prospects for the future work.



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