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发布时间:2018-04-19 18:33

  本文选题:大学英语写作 + 学生 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a learner of English as the second language, English writing ability is one of the basic elements of College Students' comprehensive ability. One of the main ways of international communication and communication in English writing. Effective communication includes two aspects of spoken and written language. Therefore, English writing must be paid attention to in the course of English teaching. But, You Yuying The teaching of language writing is a very complicated and difficult process in the view of teachers and students. It needs to invest a lot of time and energy and is very slow. At home, both the students and the teachers ignore the English writing in the classroom of College English teaching. At the same time, the teaching mode of the domestic English writing is single, and the teachers tend to impart to the students. Writing skills then let students continue to practice. This model is mainly centered on Teachers' skills and students are mainly passively accepted. In order to improve the emphasis on English writing and change the teaching mode of Teacher centered English writing, this study investigates college students' teachers in the English writing class from the angle of social and cultural theory. Intermediary and peer intermediary attitude. The function of mediator is to help learners get higher levels of development across the nearest development zone. In the medium theory, the role of teachers and peers is to help the learners find a deeper understanding of the language, not only to impart the skills. From the perspective of intermediary theory, teachers and peer knowledge. Therefore, the learner is in the central position in the teaching, that is to say that it advocates a student center classroom teaching. The research on intermediary mainly pays attention to the teacher intermediary, but neglects the role of the peer intermediary; moreover, the research is generally not combined with the specific subject or specific task. The twelve criteria for mediator are the theoretical basis. These twelve standards include: meaning, transcending current purposes, explaining intentions, competence, behavioral self-control, setting goals, challenges, awareness of change, believing positive results, sharing, personality and belonging (WilliamsBurden, 2000). The object of research is from law, administration, social security, thought. The 82 sophomores of non English majors such as political, psychological, applied psychology, philosophy and other non English majors have voluntarily chosen the English writing course. The main feature of the sample is that the teachers of the elective courses they choose will consciously adopt mediating means and take group activities as the main organizational form of the class, emphasizing the students in the class. This study needs to adopt questionnaires, interviews, students' written feedback in writing class and College English four to collect data. This study is mainly from three aspects: first, students' attitude to teachers' intermediary and co agent in College English writing class, and the attitude of students at different English levels There are differences; second, in College English class, what is the perception of the actual use of teachers' mediator and peer intermediary in College English classes, and whether students at different English levels have different perceptions; and third, students need specific intermediaries in the process of learning English writing. The results show that 1) students think in College English. Teachers' intermediaries are very important in the course of writing, especially the interpretation of intention and behavioral self-control. They believe that the sense of belonging is the least important. Students think that peer intermediaries are not very important in College English writing class, especially the positive results and surpassing the current goal.2) students' intermediary importance to the teachers in the College English writing class. There is a significant difference between perception and perception of peer intermediary importance.3.) in students' perception, the use of teacher intermediaries in College English classes is very frequent, especially for the use of interpretative and behavioral self-control. However, they think that the use of peer intermediaries is less, in addition to the interpretation of interpretive maps, challenges, and the use of the sense of belonging of.4) The perception of middle school students' importance in English writing class or the perception of actual use, the students' English level has no significant influence on.5). Students need the intermediary help which is closely related to the subject. They hope that teachers can improve the diversity of the group activities and the strategy training. Some suggestions are provided, including changing the student's concept of teacher's intermediary and peer agency, actively promoting the sense of class belonging, increasing the diversity of the group activities, and training the strategy before the group activities.



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