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发布时间:2018-04-20 01:15

  本文选题:合作原则和礼貌原则 + 霍尔顿 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格(Jerome David Salinger)是美国的20世纪50年代最具代表的作家,他的代表作《麦田里的守望者》被认为是美国文学历史的经典作品之一。《麦田里的守望者》出版以来受到了广大读者的追捧和热爱,但是主人公霍尔顿的“脏话”语言也引起了很大的争议。作为引导美国文学创作新潮的作品,从文学批评的角度已有很多研究。但是从语用学的角度鉴赏这部小说却并不多见。本文通过合作原则与礼貌原则对小说主人公霍尔顿在对话中的“脏话”语言进行详细分析,并认识“脏话”背后霍尔顿的形象。本文对Jerome David Salinger和《麦田里的守望者》进行简要介绍,回顾《麦田里的守望者》的国内外研究情况,基于格莱斯的合作原则和立奇的礼貌原则分析霍尔顿“出口成脏”的语言特征。即合作原则中的质量准则、数量准则、关联准则、方式准则和礼貌原则中的得体准则、赞誉准则、一致准则、同情准则,探讨霍尔顿带着“脏话”违反合作或礼貌原则的原因,以及“脏话”背后的人物形象。本文主要研究以下两个问题:一、霍尔顿为什么违反合作或礼貌原则时使用“脏话”?二、通过违反上述原则,霍尔顿的“脏话”塑造了什么样的人物形象?通过分析,本文认为,霍尔顿在对话中使用“goddam,hell,bitch”等脏话,有意地违反了合作或礼貌原则,其是要发泄压抑在心中不满,愤怒,害怕的情绪。霍尔顿通过叛逆的“脏话”来掩盖内心的孤独,抗拒和无奈,即使霍尔顿厌恶虚伪的成人世界,向往着内心的美好,却摆脱不了世俗的生活。从而塑造出霍尔顿作为一名孤独的守望者、成人世界的抗拒者、以及社会的妥协者的人物形象。
[Abstract]:Jerome David Salinger is the most representative American writer in the 1950s. His masterpiece, the Catcher in the Rye, is considered one of the classics of American literary history. But Holden's "dirty words" language also caused great controversy. A lot of research has been done from the angle of literary criticism as a guide to American literary creation. However, it is rare to appreciate the novel from the perspective of pragmatics. Based on the principle of cooperation and politeness, this paper makes a detailed analysis of Holden's "dirty language" language in the dialogue, and understands the image of Holden behind it. This paper gives a brief introduction to Jerome David Salinger and Catcher in the Rye, and reviews the domestic and foreign researches on the Catcher in the Rye. Based on Grice's principle of cooperation and Richie's principle of politeness, this paper analyzes Holden's linguistic characteristics of "exporting dirty". That is, the quality criterion, quantity criterion, association criterion, method criterion and propriety criterion of politeness principle, praise criterion, consensus criterion, sympathy criterion, discuss the reason why Holden violates the principle of cooperation or politeness with "dirty words". And the characters behind the dirty words. This paper focuses on the following two questions: first, why Holden used "dirty words" when violating the principle of cooperation or politeness? Second, by violating the above principles, Holden's "dirty words" created what kind of character image? Through analysis, this paper holds that Holden deliberately violates the principle of cooperation or politeness by using dirty words such as "goddamn hellBitch" in the dialogue, which is intended to vent the feelings of discontent, anger and fear in his heart. Holden hides his loneliness, resistance and helplessness through rebellious "dirty words". Even though Holden loathes the hypocritical adult world and yearns for inner beauty, he can not get rid of the worldly life. Thus the image of Holden as a lonely watchman, an adult world resister, and a social compromise is created.


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