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发布时间:2018-04-20 13:11

  本文选题:功能翻译理论 + 目的论 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the deepening of economic, trade and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, more and more excellent foreign literary works are compiled and imported into China every year. A classic work usually has more than one Chinese translation, and their responses vary. This paper chooses three different versions of British aestheticism master Oscar Wang Erde's classic fairy tale "Prince of Happiness" as the research object, and makes a comparative analysis using the German functional translation theory. It is hoped that it will help the translation criticism and practice of foreign literary works. The German functional translation theory, founded in the 1970s, focuses on translation purposes, and takes into account the multiple relationships among the original author, the translation initiator and the target reader. The development of this theory has experienced four stages: Katarina Rice's text type and translation criticism theory, Hans Vermeer's Skopos theory, Juster Hertz Mantali's translator's action theory, and Nord's function and loyalty theory. As a tool of translation criticism, functional translation theory is first applied to the contrastive study of several translations, and then, as a guiding principle of translation practice, the possibility of retranslation producing ideal versions that meet the specific purpose of the translation is put forward. The innovation of this thesis lies in the fact that the study of the translation is not limited to the Skopos theory in the functional translation theory, but also extends to the loyalty principle and the translation action theory, and the object of the analysis changes from the applied style to the literary translation.


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