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发布时间:2018-04-20 14:59

  本文选题:外语 + 课堂教学 ; 参考:《外语教学理论与实践》2017年01期

[Abstract]:There are some expected changes in the match of the 7th Foreign Teachers' Cup English Teaching Competition for Colleges and Universities compared with the previous ones, but there is still a lack of breakthrough progress. In the course of competition, quite a number of players have some problems, such as stylization, childishness, performance and weakening of language ability in classroom teaching. The author points out that effective foreign language teaching requires teachers to artistically handle several important relationships: 1) language skills training, 2) the relationship between thematic knowledge development and critical thinking ability, 2) teachers to explain, guide and inspire discussion with students. The relationship between the content of textbooks and extracurricular learning resources. 4) the relationship between classroom teaching and students' extracurricular learning. Classroom teaching should serve the objectives of the curriculum. Different teaching objectives require teachers to adjust the emphasis of classroom teaching flexibly, and carefully design all kinds of teaching activities of "the same way and the same goal" or "more with one stone with one stone".
【作者单位】: 上海外国语大学;


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