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发布时间:2018-04-20 15:50

  本文选题:工程英语文本 + 原文本特征 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The translation project is an English translation of the "additional analysis of the development plan of Lushan County, Sichuan Province, China - the restoration of riverbank and natural risk and urban risk management". About more than 13000 words in English and about more than 20000 words in Chinese. The translator has completed the translation for about half a month. The translator has been translated by the United States of Chengdu The translation requirements of the company are: the translation requirement of the customer is that the translation should be accurate and can convey all the information in the original text faithfully and completely without missing translation; the target text should retain the style of the engineering text. Under the guidance of the three basic principles of Skopos theory, that is, the principle of purpose, the principle of coherence and the principle of loyalty, the translation report mainly analyzes and solves the project. The original text belongs to engineering English, which poses great challenges to translators. The translator analyses the translator from the three aspects of the text type, expression and writing style of the original text, and finds that the original text has the following characteristics: using professional terms and technical terms. Use the passive voice; use the long sentence and use "it" as the sentence pattern of the formal subject; use the general present tense. Therefore, the translation should be accurate, concise and objective. Therefore, the translator should solve two main problems, that is, how to deal with the long sentences in the English text of engineering, such as the passive sentence, the complex sentence, the sentence with "it" as the form subject; how to do it In order to solve the above problems, in order to solve the above problems, under the guidance of the principle of purpose and the principle of loyalty, through careful analysis of the original text, the translator mainly chooses the translation strategies of literal translation and free translation as well as other translation techniques, such as the translation of Engineering English, such as CIS, reverse and dismantling. In the text, "it" is used as the sentence pattern of the subject in the passive, long and complex sentences. In addition, the author also uses the purpose principle and coherence principle, with the aid of connectives and reference words, to deal with the cohesion of the text. The author of the paper hopes that through the translation report, the author can help the future translators to translate the translation of such geological engineering into English. Under the guidance of translation theory, it is better to use practical translation strategies and techniques. At the same time, the future translators can accurately grasp the meaning of words, sentence patterns and the style of the original style when it comes to the professional and practical translation work related to engineering and technology.



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