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发布时间:2018-04-20 23:26

  本文选题:玫瑰山庄技术规范 + 平行文本 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With more and more Chinese construction enterprises contracting projects abroad and engineering translation playing an important role in international engineering construction, more and more attention has been paid to the translation of engineering contract documents. The translated project, "Technical Specification for Rose Hills", is an important part of the international tender documents for the project. It is the English technical norm established by the owners of the Rosehill Project in Myanmar when inviting tenders to the outside world, with a total of 130000 words. Clients from Chinese construction enterprises entrust the Chinese translation of the technical specifications to the project team, in which the author of the paper has completed the translation of 10862 English words, with a total of 16150 words translated into Chinese. This paper is based on part of the translation task of the Rose Heights Technical Specification, which aims to explore the application of parallel texts in the translation of technical specifications. Earlier studies on parallel texts in the field of translation focused on tourism translation and advertising translation. Therefore, the purpose of this translation report is to analyze the original text and, under the guidance of Skopos theory of translation, to explore the application and reference value of parallel texts in the translation of technical norms from the perspective of lexical expressions. The three levels of professional knowledge and sentences combined with the actual cases encountered by the author in translation show the practical guiding significance of parallel texts at these three levels by the comparative analysis of the original text and the parallel text. It is found that the stylistic features and professional knowledge of English technical norms cause major translation difficulties for the translator, including a large number of technical vocabulary, professional knowledge, complex long sentences and conditional sentences, as well as Skopos theory. It also proves the rationality of the use of parallel texts, and the authoritative parallel texts adopted by the author of the paper provide references for the author's translation in terms of technical vocabulary, professional knowledge and sentence patterns, which play an important role in indicating the faithfulness and professionalism of translation. Finally, the parallel text is used as the criterion of the target text, which ensures that the target text is more easily accepted by the target language recipient. The significance of this study is to provide some reference and reference for the field of technical norms translation through the study of actual cases. To be able to provide reference methods for translators and novice translators who do not have the expertise in the field of engineering; at the same time, to make a preliminary study on the translation of technical norms from the perspective of parallel texts, It provides a new research perspective for technical norms and even engineering translation.


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