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发布时间:2018-04-21 07:25

  本文选题:江苏卷高考英语 + 全国卷高考英语 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:高考作为我国第一大选拔性考试,其试题命制的科学性备受社会关注。江苏省自2004年开始实施高考自主命题,而近年来全国不少省份已逐渐加入了全国卷的行列。新课改的深入让英语一直走在高考改革的前沿,其试题质量成为社会关注的焦点,而效度是衡量一项测试质量的重要标准。因此,本研究旨在通过分析比较江苏卷与全国卷(I)高考英语试题的效度为江苏卷的命题设计及高中英语教学方面提供建议。本文将选取2014-2016江苏卷和全国卷高考英语试题相同题型部分(阅读理解、完形和写作试题),采取定性与定量相结合的方法进行效度比较研究。首先,本文依据Bachman和Palmer的任务特征框架、2014-2016年江苏卷和全国卷高考英语考试说明、《普通高中英语课程标准》对2014-2016年两卷试题进行表面效度和内容效度比较研究。其次,依据Bachman的交际语言能力理论对两卷试题进行结构效度比较研究。最后对南京市4名高三英语教师就高考试题的反拨作用及教学策略调整进行了访谈。主要研究问题有:(1) 2014-2016年江苏卷与全国卷(I)的表面效度如何?有何差异?(2)两卷内容效度如何?有何差异?(3)两卷结构效度如何?有何差异?(4)通过江苏卷与全国卷(I)比较研究和访谈,探究高考试题有哪些反拨作用?会给高中英语教学策略带来哪些调整?研究结果表明:(1)就题型设计而言,江苏卷表面效度总体低于全国卷(I),两卷阅读理解及完形试题(客观性试题)表面效度低于写作试题(主观性试题);(2)两卷在内容效度上各自呈现不同特点,总体而言,内容效度均较高;相比全国卷(I),江苏卷阅读理解试题篇章更长,对学生阅读速度要求更高,易读度更低,但在体裁、题材和测试技能的分布上更广、更均衡;其完形填空试题篇章更长,对学生阅读速度要求更高,词类分布不均;其写作试题对学生写作速度要求更高,情景和信息提供方式更合适、更具多样性;(3)两卷试题均考查到学生语法、语篇、语用及策略能力,结构效度较高,但江苏卷对学生的交际语言能力要求高于全国卷(I) ; (4)江苏高考试题的难度会增加师生学习负担,模拟试题越来越难,但部分试题可引导学生更好地学习并使用英语。此外,中学英语教学将更注重多种教学策略的综合,关注语言在真实交际语境中的运用。
[Abstract]:College entrance examination is the first selection examination in our country. Jiangsu Province has been implementing the independent proposition of college entrance examination since 2004, but in recent years, many provinces have gradually joined the ranks of the national volume. With the deepening of the new curriculum reform, English has been at the forefront of the college entrance examination reform, and the quality of the test questions has become the focus of attention of the society, and the validity is an important standard to measure the quality of a test. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to compare the validity of the college entrance examination questions in Jiangsu volume with that in the whole country. The purpose of this study is to provide suggestions for the proposition design and English teaching in senior high schools. This paper will choose the same part of the English examination questions of the 2014-2016 Jiangsu volume and the national examination (reading comprehension, gestalt and writing), and adopt the qualitative and quantitative methods to compare the validity of the questions. First of all, according to the task characteristic framework of Bachman and Palmer, this paper makes a comparative study on the surface validity and content validity of the two volumes of English examination questions from 2014-2016 to 2014-2016. Secondly, according to Bachman's communicative competence theory, a comparative study of the structural validity of the two volumes of questions is carried out. Finally, four senior English teachers in Nanjing are interviewed about the backwash effect of college entrance examination questions and the adjustment of teaching strategies. The main research questions are: (1) what are the surface validity of Jiangsu Volume and National Volume I) 2014-2016? What's the difference? (2) what's the validity of the two volumes? What's the difference? What is the difference? (4) through the comparative study and interview between Jiangsu volume and national volume I, what backwash effect does the college entrance examination question have? What adjustments will be brought to English teaching strategies in senior high schools? The results show that in terms of question design, The surface validity of Jiangsu volume is generally lower than that of the whole country, and the surface validity of the two volumes of reading comprehension and gestalt (objective test) is lower than that of the writing test (subjective question / 2). The two volumes show different characteristics in content validity. Compared with the whole country, Jiangsu volume reading comprehension test has longer text, higher reading speed and lower readability, but it has a wider and more balanced distribution in genre, subject matter and test skills. The cloze test has longer text, higher reading speed and uneven distribution of parts of speech. In both volumes, the students' grammatical, textual, pragmatic and strategic abilities were found to be of high structural validity. However, Jiangsu volume requires higher communicative language competence than the whole country. (4) the difficulty of Jiangsu college entrance examination will increase the learning burden of teachers and students, and it is becoming more and more difficult to simulate the test, but some of the questions can guide the students to learn and use English better. In addition, middle school English teaching will pay more attention to the synthesis of various teaching strategies and the application of language in real communicative context.


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