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发布时间:2018-04-21 11:17

  本文选题:《经历9·11》 + 纪实性文学 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The translation materials selected for this translation report are selected from some chapters of "experience 9 11 >," experience 9 11 >, and "experience 9 11 >" written by Dutch entrepreneur Frank Creek, which belong to memoirs in documentary literature. Documentary literature is a kind of literary genre with the dual characteristics of "reality" and "literariness", which is presented by the way of expressing the real characters and events in real life or history. Based on the perspective of an entrepreneur, the thesis chooses the chapter as the 9 / 11 event in order to solve the financial crisis of the company and save the survival of the company, so as to explore its zigzag entrepreneurial process. English translation theorist Peter Newmark's theory of semantic translation and communicative translation is chosen as the guide of this translation practice. In the process of translation, the author has encountered some difficulties in translation, such as proper nouns, polysemous choices, special sentence patterns and so on. In order to achieve the ideal translation effect, the author combines translation theory with translation report, adopts case analysis, and selects suitable translation methods, such as addition and subtraction, literal translation, free translation, split and recombination, and so on. This report consists of five parts. The first part introduces the background of translation practice, the significance of writing this report and its framework, and the second part describes the translation task, mainly the author and the selected translation material. The third part introduces the process of translation, including pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation revision. The fourth part is the focus of this report, through case analysis. Under the guidance of semantic translation and communicative translation theory, this paper mainly discusses how to analyze and solve the key points and difficulties in the process of translation at the lexical and syntactic levels. The fifth part is a summary of the translation practice and the writing of the report.


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