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发布时间:2018-04-22 23:03

  本文选题:冥界警局》 + 配音翻译 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This report is based on the translation practice of the US film the Hades Police, which has been shown on the Oriental Film Channel. This paper introduces the current situation of dubbing translation and the common professional symbols in the screenplay, and analyzes the unique features of the dubbing script by comparing it with the ordinary film script. The translation of film and television dubbing is characterized by spoken language and culture. In the process of translating the film, the author adopts various translation techniques to deal with the spoken and taboo words in the film according to the criterion of "reaching". Ensure that the translation is concise and accurate, and that the popular culture in the film is properly transmitted to meet the needs of the market. By summing up the difficulties encountered in translation practice, the author makes a thorough analysis and reflection. The translation difficulties of American films are mainly embodied in the following three aspects: consistency of mouth, exploration of individualized language and background sound skills. Consistency of oral style is an important criterion to test the quality of dubbing translation. In the process of translation, the translation must be consistent with the rhythm of the picture and the oral style of the characters. The individualized language can reflect the vivid image of the character, and the proper language style should be chosen according to the unique characteristics of the character. The correct handling of individualized language not only preserves the comic effect of the film, but also enhances the acceptability of the translation. The background sound is inevitable in the film. The author fully grasps the concept of professional language, probes into the two difficult points of tone explanation and "water word" in the background sound, and puts forward some practical skills. Through this practice, the author fully realizes that in order to present a good translation, translators should not only improve their professionalism and cross-cultural awareness, but also consider meeting the needs of the audience.


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