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发布时间:2018-04-23 04:00

  本文选题:操纵理论 + 《2016政府工作报告》 ; 参考:《长江大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous promotion of political, economic, cultural, social and ecological civilizations and the continuous improvement of the comprehensive national strength, China has participated in the process and development of international affairs with the attitude of peace and development, and its international influence is increasing. At the same time, the people of all countries in the world are increasing their attention to China. As an important government document, "government work report" plays an indispensable role in publicizing China's policies and regulations and disseminating the essence of Chinese culture. The "government work report" provides a comprehensive introduction to the developments in various fields of China from various aspects of political, economic, cultural and social aspects. Comprehensive, authoritative, scientific and instructive is the crystallization of the wisdom of many leaders and scholars in China. It can be timely, accurate and effective to spread Chinese culture to the people of the world, to show the situation of the Chinese society and to plan the road for development in China. It is an important medium and channel for the people of the world to understand China. Therefore, the translation of the report of the government work is especially true. The interpreter of the report of the government work report, as the main force of the translation, not only requires outstanding bilingualism, but also has good political accomplishment and strict working attitude, and can accurately convey the route, principles and principles to guide the work of all walks of life. In recent years, a series of achievements have been made in the study of the translation of the government work report, but there are still some problems, such as lack of system, comprehensive theoretical guidance, the lack of research on the factors of text, the lack of combination of translation theory and practice, and the need for further research and deepening. This paper tries to study from the angle of manipulation theory. Study the English translation strategies and methods of the <2016 government work report. In the late 1970s, the school of manipulation put the focus on the cultural dimension and pushed the researchers out of the shackles of pure linguistics and shifted the focus to the study of the external factors. This paper, under the framework of the manipulation theory, was translated by the Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee. The English version of the <2016 government work report, using the comparative analysis and the summary of the research methods, analyzes the three elements of the manipulation theory, namely, ideology, poetics, and the choice of the translator and its translation strategies and methods that influence the government's work report. The first chapter is five chapters. The introduction mainly introduces the background and purpose of the research, the research questions, the research methods and the structure of the paper. The second chapter is the literature review, which summarizes the functions, characteristics and research status of the government work report, and studies the previous research from the perspective of the research, the problem oriented and the translation strategies and methods of the government work report. The third chapter is the theoretical framework, which mainly introduces the origin and development of the manipulation theory, the representative figures and the main views, and the three elements of the manipulation theory and the relationship between them. The fourth chapter is the case study of the <2016 government work report > the English translation strategies and methods under the angle of manipulation theory. This part is the core of the thesis. In part, it summarizes the contents and new highlights of the <2016 government work report, as well as the translation strategies and methods adopted in the English translation, and analyzes the choice of how to manipulate and influence the English translation strategies and methods of the three elements of the <2016 government work report by combining the related examples. The fifth chapter gives the conclusion, and puts forward the main hair of this study. At present, the limitations of the research and suggestions for future research. Through the study of the English translation strategies and methods of the <2016 government work report based on the combination of manipulation theory, the following findings are found: first, ideology includes social ideology and individual ideology, affecting the translation purposes of the government work report and the choice of translation strategies and methods; Secondly, the concept of poetics pays attention to the faithful transmission of the text text and the needs of the target language readers, manipulates the understanding of the text of the government work report and the selection of domestication and foreignization. Finally, the Chinese government, as the sponsor of the original text of the government work report and the sponsor of the translation, added the ideology to the translator through indirect ways. Using economic and political means to provide support and help for the translation of the work report of the government, it also has the right to manipulate the theme of the text and control the publication and distribution of the text of the translation. The translator is manipulated by the sponsors. In the process of translation, the translation strategies and methods should be properly chosen to combine the translator's subjective consciousness with the consciousness of the patron. This article analyzes the English translation strategies and methods adopted by the "government work report" under the influence of the three elements of the manipulation theory, and puts forward many examples of translation that are worth reference, aiming at providing useful enlightenment for the future translation practice and playing a certain guiding role.



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