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发布时间:2018-04-23 07:29

  本文选题:中职英语 + 合作学习 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:合作学习是一种兼具创意和实效的教学理论和策略体系,被誉为当代最重要和最成功的教学改革之一(Vermette,1994; EllisFouts,1997)。在我国,,自20世纪80年代末开始探索以来,合作学习的理念越来越深入人心,逐渐形成了研究与实践的热潮。然而,这一探研在中职英语教学中尚属起步,客观的实证性研究仍较为缺乏。 本课题紧密结合中职英语的教学实践,对苏州高等职业技术学校三年级的英语口语教学进行合作学习的实证性研究。笔者将2011级服装设计(1)班选为实验班,尝试了小组合作运用于口语教学的实验,而将任教的一个平行班(2)班设定为控制班。实验班和对照班分别有33名学生;实验持续了一个学期(三年级下学期),时间跨度为4个月。期间,实验班采用的是以学生为中心的小组合作学习英语口语教学模式:每4-5个学生组成一个合作小组,每周进行一次合作学习口语教学,课堂任务主要通过小组成员间互助合作来完成;而对照班采用的是传统的以教师为中心的英语口语教学模式。研究方法中,主要借助统计软件SPSS21.0,对上下两个学期的PETS英语口试成绩和实验前后的《中职英语口语焦虑情况调查问卷》和《中职英语口语学习策略情况调查问卷》进行了数据分析。通过对比,本文得出:合作学习运用于中职英语口语教学可以有效降低学生对英语口语的焦虑性,改善和丰富学生的英语口语策略,并且能够显著提高学生的PETS英语口试成绩。希望此项研究的实验过程和调查结果可以为增益和完善课堂合作学习模式提供参考和借鉴。
[Abstract]:Cooperative learning is a kind of teaching theory and strategy system with both originality and practical effect. It is regarded as one of the most important and successful teaching reform in the present age, Vermette 1994 and Ellis Fouts1997. In China, since the beginning of exploration in the late 1980s, the concept of cooperative learning has become more and more popular, and gradually formed the upsurge of research and practice. However, this research is still in the beginning of secondary vocational English teaching, and the objective empirical research is still lacking. Based on the practice of English teaching in secondary vocational schools, this paper makes an empirical study on the cooperative learning of oral English teaching in the third grade of Suzhou higher Vocational and Technical School. In this paper, the author chooses Class 2011 as the experimental class, and tries to use the experiment of group cooperation in oral teaching, and sets a parallel class (class No. 2) as a control class. There were 33 students in the experimental class and 33 in the control class. The experiment lasted for one semester. During this period, the experimental class adopts a student-centered cooperative learning oral English teaching model: every 4-5 students form a cooperative group and conduct cooperative oral English teaching once a week. Classroom tasks are mainly accomplished by mutual help and cooperation among group members, while the control class adopts the traditional teacher-centered oral English teaching model. In research methods, With the help of SPSS 21.0, the results of PETS oral English test and the questionnaire of spoken English anxiety before and after the experiment were analyzed by using the statistical software SPSS 21.0. By comparison, it is concluded that cooperative learning can effectively reduce students' anxiety about spoken English, improve and enrich students' oral English strategies, and can significantly improve students' scores in PETS oral English test. It is hoped that the experimental process and the results of this study can be used as a reference for the enhancement and improvement of classroom cooperative learning model.


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