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功能对等理论视角下Offering Memorandum(节选)翻译实践报告

发布时间:2018-04-24 09:38

  本文选题:功能对等 + 金融类翻译 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济全球化不断推向深入,经济社会的不断发展,国外的理财产品也涌入到人们的生活中,金融专业方面的英语翻译逐渐展现出重要地位,只有充分了解投资理财产品的运营状况,投资者才能更好的进行投资活动。现实的市场需求也在不断增加。鉴于此背景,本翻译实践报告是对“Offering Memorandum”节选部分的翻译任务所作的报告。“Offering Memorandum”的内容是基金的发行备忘录,属于金融类的翻译范畴。金融类文本在遣词方面,多用专业术语,在句法方面,多用长句/从句以及被动语态。依据此类文本的特点,分析在英译汉的过程中可能遇到的问题,并且针对出现的问题提出相应的翻译策略。该文本节选部分主要是:定义解释、发行备忘录摘要、风险因素及基金公司细则与章程,一共四部分。其中涉及到许多金融类的专业词汇,笔者在相关的搜索引擎及专业词典上进行了查询,并列成附录。在动态对等理论的指导下,针对文本中长句、从句出现较多的特点,选取部分的典型案例,得出翻译时应当相应的采取意译法、拆译法、增译法以及句子重构的策略。通过文本分析和案例分析,本报告可得出以下结论:首先,在金融类文本中出现的长句、从句,用意译法、句子重构法及拆译法可以更好地实现译文与原文的信息对等。其次,为增强可信度而频繁使用的被动语态,在翻译过程中应将其转换为主动语态,但要避免主观性表述的出现。再次,金融类英语力求准确、客观,功能对等理论为金融类文本的翻译有较大的帮助,在宏观上提供了适当的翻译策略。最后,译者应该时刻遵循语言规范和习惯进行翻译活动,力求尽善尽美。翻译国外的金融类文件及相关规定,有利于更好的与国际接轨。因此,为了能够得到更加优秀的金融类翻译作品,需要译者与金融业的相关从业人员进行合作,来弥补当下出现的问题。当然,培养翻译硕士的过程中,高校可以开设金融类文本的翻译课程,进行深入的研究,为国家培养更多的优秀人才。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of economic globalization and the continuous development of economic society, foreign financial products have also poured into people's lives, and English translation of financial majors has gradually shown an important position. Only fully understand the operation of investment financial products, investors can better carry out investment activities. Real market demand is also increasing. In view of this background, this translation practice report is a report on the translation tasks of the excerpts of "Offering Memorandum". The content of "Offering Memorandum" is the fund's memorandum of issue, which belongs to the category of financial translation. In financial texts, technical terms are used, and in syntax, long sentences / clauses and passive voices are used. According to the characteristics of this kind of text, this paper analyzes the problems that may be encountered in the process of translating from English to Chinese, and puts forward corresponding translation strategies for the problems. The main excerpts of the text are: definition explanation, memorandum summary, risk factors and fund company articles and articles of association, a total of four parts. There are a lot of financial professional vocabulary, the author of the search engine and professional dictionaries related to the query, juxtaposed into the appendix. Under the guidance of dynamic equivalence theory, in view of the features of long sentences and clauses in the text, some typical cases are selected, and the strategies of free translation, disassembling translation, adding translation and sentence reconstruction should be adopted in translation. Through text analysis and case analysis, we can draw the following conclusions: firstly, the long sentence, clause, intention translation, sentence reconstruction and translation method can better realize the information equivalence between the target text and the original text. Secondly passive voice which is frequently used in order to enhance credibility should be converted into active voice in the process of translation but subjective expressions should be avoided. Thirdly, financial English aims to be accurate, objective and functional equivalence theory is of great help to the translation of financial texts, and provides appropriate translation strategies at the macro level. Finally, the translator should always follow the language norms and habits of translation activities, and strive for perfection. Translation of foreign financial documents and related regulations is conducive to better international integration. Therefore, in order to obtain better financial translation, translators and relevant practitioners of the financial industry need to cooperate to make up for the current problems. Of course, in the process of training master of translation, colleges and universities can set up financial text translation courses, conduct in-depth research, and train more excellent talents for the country.


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2 蒋林平;;金融英语翻译中的语序转换[J];中国科技翻译;2012年03期

3 冯长甫;;金融英语翻译探讨[J];上海翻译;2007年03期




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