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发布时间:2018-04-24 11:10

  本文选题:茶事活动 + 英译 ; 参考:《福建茶叶》2017年02期

[Abstract]:Under the impetus of the integration of the world and the process of economic globalization, the integration of the source language and the target language is obvious in all fields, especially in the field of tea activities. The fusion of Chinese and English in tea activities in China has promoted the outward spread of tea culture in our country. However, from the current situation, this kind of promotion is not obvious enough, and the reasons are investigated. English translation of tea activities in China is still in its infancy, the level of English translation is limited, and there are still many problems in the standardization and standardization of English translation. On the basis of the scientific analysis of the positive effects of the current English translation of tea activities, this paper makes a brief analysis of the translation strategies of tea activities, hoping to enlighten the relevant tea culture scholars.
【作者单位】: 石家庄铁道大学四方学院外语系;


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8 汪sピ,




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