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发布时间:2018-04-24 15:45

  本文选题:情景喜剧 + 合作原则 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:幽默研究的第一次记录可以追溯到柏拉图和亚里士多德时代。随着研究的发展,幽默从各个角度提供了一套综合性的描述,包括人类学,社会学,美学,文学,心理学,语言学等等。西方学者研究幽默以心理学角度为基础,从三个关键的传统理论层面分析,分别是乖讹论,优越论和释放论。这三大幽默理论为研究幽默产生的心理机制提供了很好的理论支持。随着语言学的兴起,为研究幽默提供了更大的空间。语言学家研究幽默基本也从三个方面,分别是脚本论(Raskin),普通言语幽默理论(Raskin and Attardo)和以观众为中心的言语理论。随着时间推移,越来越多的学者致力于从语用学角度研究言语幽默,大量的数据表明,应用语言学中的许多理论都可以分析话语中幽默现象,因受到语用学中格莱斯合作原则的启发,本文将以合作原则为理论框架,以美国情景剧为脚本,来揭示幽默产生的原因。在这篇论文中将要讨论两个问题:问题一:在情景剧中违反合作原则能达到怎样的言语幽默效果?问题二:在违反合作原则产生的幽默中,其准则的使用频率如何?合作原则理论是格赖斯在他五十多岁时第一次设计出来,但在1967年威廉·詹姆斯在哈弗大学的演讲中被首次提出,此后才被公众所广泛熟知。合作原则为学者研究应用语言学开启一条新的道路,也为人际交流提供了新鲜的想法,之后变成了重要的研究议题。依据格赖斯提出的基本理论和规则,在说话者和听话者之间存在紧密的联系,这一点意在确保成功的和令人喜悦的口语交流。并且,他提出在日常交谈中,参与者之间是互相合作的。他们不遗余力地确保一段对话流畅地进行,而且遵守一套特殊的准则,为的是使彼此更好地理解对方。格赖斯提出的合作原则可以分为几条准则和一些次则,包括“数量准则”,“质量准则”,“关系准则”,“方式准则”。在理想条件下,人们应该遵守这些准则来完成对话。但是,合作原则及其次则通常被打破,这就会产生额外的含义,被称为“会话含义”。因此,本文应用经典语用理论----合作原则作为论文的理论框架来研究言语幽默。情景喜剧是喜剧的一种表演形式,首先在广播上播出,之后呈现于电视屏幕上。在很多国家,情景喜剧是最流行的电视节目之一,在老人和年轻人中都备受追捧。人们热衷于情景喜剧不仅是为了欢笑,同样也是想要探究美国人的思维模式,与此同时更好的理解外国文化。本文语料全部节选于美国著名情节喜剧《好汉两个半》,当它第一次进入观众的视野,就获得了很高的收视率。因此,本文的研究是以《好汉两个半》为文本语料的一个实证性研究。本文运用定量研究和定性研究相结合使用的方式。定量研究用来收集数据,并且计算出违反合作原则中,各个准则占有量的百分比。定性研究也用于依据合作原则及其次则收集语料,当所有的例子以违反合作原则为基础被选择之后,文中将会逐一地解释幽默效果是如何通过违反每一准则产生的。最后,本文精心挑选出具有代表性的例子并利用合作原则进行语料分析。本文希望通过这种方式,让观众们对幽默有进一步的理解。在大量的语料收集和研究过后,本文得出以下结论:美国情景喜剧生动地解释了言语幽默,它展示了违反合作原则所创造出的幽默效果,并且产生的会话含义。违反合作原则是产生言语幽默的主要因素,二者相互依赖,密不可分。最后,依据选择出来的语料,本文发现质量准则违反的最多,共375次占总比率的36.06%;方式原则违反的最少,共155次占总比率的14.90%。有时,表演者会同时在使用中违反多项准则。在本文的最后一章,总结了一些主要发现,同时将情景剧应用在英语教学当中。本文认为美国情景喜剧来源于生活,目的在于依据独特的编排和场景设计制造出大量的搞笑剧本,是在语言,文化,社会习俗,价值观方面具有创造性的形式,也为学习者和研究者提供了生动及全面的材料,因为它建立了一个真实的语言环境。此外,经典的对白,搞笑的情节和轻松的气氛可以很好的帮助英语学习者去练习标准的语音。老师的目的在于依据情景喜剧中的对话使学生们提高语言能力,增加词汇量,培养理解美国文化的能力,以及了解西方人对生活的价值观等等,可以说赏析情景剧是一种很好的实现这个目标的方式。在把情景剧应用在英语教学的过程中,摆脱了长时间沉默学英语和哑巴英语的模式,其中轻松幽默的对话可以使学生们身临其境,进而很容易地主观模仿表演者的对话,学生们听力和口语的技能将会被提高。因此,分析情景剧中言语幽默是学生们掌握英语很好的途径,在英语教学中,老师可以利用情节片段中的对话作为口语,听力,和阅读的材料,将同学们带进一个轻松的氛围,在愉快中学习,让学生们反复练习,达到真正理解的目的,进而可以自然地应用在日常口语交流中。
[Abstract]:The first record of humor can be traced back to the age of Platon and Aristotle. With the development of the study, humor provides a comprehensive set of descriptions from various angles, including anthropology, sociology, aesthetics, literature, psychology, linguistics and so on. Western scholars study humor based on the psychological angle, from three key traditions. Theoretical analysis is the theory of incongruity, superiority and release. These three humorous theories provide a good theoretical support for the study of the psychological mechanism of humor. With the rise of linguistics, it provides a greater space for the study of humor. Linguists have studied humor in three aspects, namely, scripting theory (Raskin), and common words. Raskin and Attardo and the audience centered theory of speech. With the passage of time, more and more scholars are devoted to the study of verbal humor from the perspective of pragmatics. A large number of data show that many theories in applied linguistics can analyze the humorous phenomena in discourse, and are inspired by the principle of Grice cooperation in pragmatics. This paper will take the cooperative principle as the theoretical framework and take the American sitcom as a script to reveal the cause of humor. In this paper, we will discuss two questions: Question 1: what is the verbal humor effect that violates the principle of cooperation in a sitcom? Question two: the frequency of its use in the humor in violation of the principle of cooperation What is the rate? The theory of cooperative principles was first designed by Grays at the age of more than 50, but it was first proposed by William James at Harvard's speech in 1967. The principle of cooperation has been widely known by the public. The principle of cooperation opens a new way for scholars to study applied linguistics and provides new ideas for interpersonal communication. In the light of the basic theories and rules put forward by Grays, there is a close connection between the speaker and the hearer, which is intended to ensure a successful and joyful oral communication. And he suggests that in everyday conversation, the participants are cooperating with each other. They spare no effort to ensure a paragraph. Dialogue flows smoothly and adheres to a set of special rules to make each other better understand each other. The principles of cooperation put forward by Grice can be divided into several criteria and several times, including "quantitative criteria", "quality criteria", "relationship criteria", "mode criteria". Under ideal conditions, people should abide by these guidelines. To complete the dialogue. However, the principle of cooperation and its times are usually broken, which produces extra meaning, which is called "conversational implicature". Therefore, this article applies the classical pragmatic theory - the principle of cooperation as the theoretical framework of the paper to study verbal humor. On TV screens. In many countries, sitcoms are one of the most popular TV programs, both in old and young people. People are keen on sitcoms not only to laugh, but also to explore American thinking patterns and understand foreign cultures at the same time. The text of this article is all selected in the United States. The famous plot comedy "man 2.5", when it first enters the audience's view, gets a very high ratings. Therefore, this study is an empirical study of the text of the "hero 2.5". This paper uses the formula of quantitative research and qualitative research. Quantitative research is used to collect data and calculate the data. In violation of the principle of cooperation, the percentage of the occupancy of each criterion. The qualitative study is also used in accordance with the principle of cooperation and the collection of the corpus. When all examples are chosen on the basis of violation of the principle of cooperation, the article will explain how the humor effect is produced by violation of each criterion one by one. Finally, the article is carefully selected and issued. In this way, it is hoped that the audience will have a further understanding of humor in this way. After a large amount of data collection and research, this article draws the following conclusions: American sitcom is a vivid explanation of verbal humor, which shows the specties created in violation of the principle of cooperation. The two ones are interdependent and inseparable. Finally, according to the selected corpus, this article finds that the quality standards are most violated, 375 times a total of 36.06% of the total ratio, and the method originally violates the least, and a total of 155 times the total ratio of 14.90%. sometimes, In the last chapter of this article, the author sums up some of the main findings and applies the sitcom to English teaching. This article holds that the American sitcom comes from life. The purpose is to create a large number of funny scripts based on the unique arrangement and scene design, which is in language, culture and society. Custom, a creative form of value, and a vivid and comprehensive material for learners and researchers, because it establishes a real language environment. In addition, the classical dialogue, the funny plot and the relaxed atmosphere can help English learners to practice the standard pronunciation. The purpose of the teacher is to base on the purpose of the teacher. Dialogue in sitcom makes students improve their language ability, increase vocabulary, cultivate the ability to understand American culture, and understand the values of Westerners to life. It can be said that the appreciation of sitcom is a good way to achieve this goal. In the process of applying the sitcom to English teaching, it has been free of a long silence. The model of learning English and dumb English, in which the easy and humorous dialogue can make the students live, and then it is easy to imitate the dialogues of the performers, and the students' listening and speaking skills will be improved. Therefore, the analysis of verbal humor in the scene is a good way for students to master English. In English teaching, the teacher can Use the dialogues in the episodes as spoken, listening, and reading materials to bring the students into a relaxed atmosphere, learn in a pleasant way, let the students practise repeatedly, achieve the true understanding, and then naturally apply to daily oral communication.



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