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发布时间:2018-04-24 17:51

  本文选题:小说翻译 + 读者反应论 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译项目报告。翻译项目原文取自瑞典作家弗雷德里克·巴克曼所编写的作品《我和我的奇葩外婆》(My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry)中的前三章。这部小说根据艾尔莎和她的外婆之间的故事展开,为读者展现一幅爱与亲情的心灵画卷。本次翻译的重难点主要在于原文中词汇比较口语化,要求笔者在翻译上更为灵活,这对笔者的语言功底和逻辑思维都是一大挑战。结合原文的语言特点,笔者选择奈达的"读者反应论"作为理论指导,从词汇、修辞手法、句法层面分析这一理论在翻译中的运用,并强调从读者的角度进行翻译,从而达到易于读者阅读的目的。此次项目意在通过准确的翻译,使中文读者了解瑞典当地的文化,促进两国之间的文化交流;同时也让读者感受到亲情的伟大,以及生活中最简单而又朴素的温暖。通过此次翻译实践,笔者得出以下结论:第一,要做好翻译准备工作;其次,根据翻译材料的文体特征,选择相应的理论知识和策略,包括异化法,归化法,拆译法等;最后,以读者为导向,考虑读者的理解程度,从而方便读者阅读。通过此次翻译项目报告的撰写,笔者深刻认识到,在翻译过程中不仅需要提高个人的双语能力,在面对翻译重难点问题时还要保持耐心,才能确保翻译工作顺利完成。
[Abstract]:This article is a translation project report. The translation project is based on the first three chapters of my Grandmother Asked me to Tell You She's Sorry. by Swedish writer Frederick Barkman. The novel, based on the story between Elsa and her grandmother, presents the reader with a picture of love and affection. The main difficulty of this translation lies in the colloquialization of vocabulary in the original text, which requires the author to be more flexible in translation, which is a great challenge to the author's language background and logical thinking. According to the linguistic characteristics of the original text, the author chooses Nida's "Reader's response Theory" as the theoretical guidance, analyzes the application of the theory in translation from the lexical, rhetorical and syntactic levels, and emphasizes on the translation from the perspective of the readers. Thus, it is easy for readers to read. Through accurate translation, the project aims to help Chinese readers understand the local culture of Sweden and promote cultural exchanges between the two countries. It also makes readers feel the greatness of family and the simplest and simplest warmth of life. Through this translation practice, the author draws the following conclusions: first, we should prepare for translation; secondly, according to the stylistic characteristics of the translation materials, we should select the corresponding theoretical knowledge and strategies, including alienation, domestication, translation, etc.; finally, Take the reader as the direction, consider the reader's understanding degree, thus facilitates the reader to read. Through the writing of the translation project report, the author deeply realizes that in the process of translation, we should not only improve the bilingual ability of individuals, but also be patient in the face of the important and difficult problems in translation, in order to ensure the smooth completion of translation work.


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