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发布时间:2018-04-24 23:42

  本文选题:“全球本土化” + 后殖民化语境 ; 参考:《上海翻译》2017年06期

[Abstract]:"Global Localization" is a kind of theoretical discourse in the post-colonial context, which regards the translation process as a two-way cultural communication activity, and subverts the unidirectional communication model in which only strong discourse emphasizes the input of weak discourse in the context of colonization. Therefore, it is a part of the discourse system of the theory of "decolonization". Based on the theoretical discourse of "Global Localization", this paper makes a thorough analysis of the translation of the Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui's "the power of desolation" from the Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui in the Rio Olympic Games into English, and concludes that in the post-colonial context, News translation should bear the discourse connotation, cultural meaning and communicative intention of the original text at the same time, so as to guide the practice of Chinese-English news translation and contribute to the dissemination of Chinese culture to the outside world.
【作者单位】: 西安工程大学;
【基金】:2016年陕西省社科基金项目“应对西方文化霸权的翻译政治策略研究”(2016K006) 陕西省教育厅2017年人文社科专项科研项目(17JK0310)的部分成果


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