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发布时间:2018-04-25 09:47

  本文选题:项目教学法 + 教师信念 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:项目教学法(Project-based Learning,简称PBL)是西方体验式学习、“做中学”教育理论和实践的重要组成部分,在过去的几十年间作为一种以学习者为中心的教学方法被广泛应用于二语教学中,取得了良好的实践效果。我国外语界近年来也逐渐尝试把项目教学法应用到外语教学中,例如《大学英语教学指南》明确提出大学英语教学应注意吸收国内外的先进成果,提倡使用项目式、探究式等教学方法。作为一种西方教学法,项目教学法在我国的大学英语教学中能否取得理想的效果在很大程度上取决于广大一线教师对项目教学法的认知与本土化实践。目前国内学者对项目教学法的研究集中在理论介绍、意义探讨、教学效果研究等方面,鲜有研究从教师的角度对项目教学法进行探索。而大学英语教师对项目教学法的认知如何?大学英语教师如何在教学实践中灵活运用项目教学法?哪些因素影响项目教学法的实施?这些有关西方教学法本土化的问题是我国外语教学中值得深入探讨的重要议题。本研究通过回顾国内外对项目教学法和教师信念的研究成果,结合我国大学英语教学实际,从大学英语教师认知的角度对项目教学法在大学英语教学中的接受和使用情况进行分析。研究主要考察大学英语教师对项目教学法的信念和实践,并探讨教师信念和教学实践的关系,以及影响项目教学法实施的各种因素。希望研究结果有助于大学英语教师更好地实施项目教学法,提高大学英语教学质量和课堂效率,推动大学英语教学改革的进程。研究采用个案研究的形式,对五名具有项目教学经验的大学英语教师进行访谈和课堂观察,并收集教案和教学资料等相关文档资料。研究发现,大学英语教师对项目教学法持有积极的态度,高度评价项目教学法的优点,并在教学中积极实施项目教学法。但是,尽管教师在课堂上以不同方式实施项目教学法取得了一定的效果,如学生学习英语兴趣浓、课堂活动参与性高、口语书面语练习机会多、合作能力增强,仍然存在一些影响项目教学法有效开展的问题。例如教师教学量大,课时少,难以广泛实施项目教学法;教师缺乏相关培训机会、教学辅助资源和教学指导,对项目教学法的认识和实践受到制约;班级学生数量多,教师无法有效地全面指导等。总之,本研究从大学英语教师认知的角度探索项目教学法的实践,能够丰富项目教学法研究以及教师认知研究,并为提升大学英语教学质量和推进大学英语教学改革提供启示,因此具有一定的理论价值和实践价值。
[Abstract]:Project based learning (PBL) is an important part of western experiential learning. It has been widely used in second language teaching as a learner-centered teaching method in the past few decades. Good practical results have been obtained. In recent years, the foreign language circles in our country have tried to apply the project-based teaching method to foreign language teaching. For example, the Guide to College English Teaching clearly suggests that college English teaching should pay attention to absorbing the advanced achievements at home and abroad and advocate the use of project-based teaching methods. Inquiry teaching methods. As a kind of western teaching method, whether the project teaching method can achieve the ideal effect in our country's college English teaching depends to a great extent on the teachers' cognition and localization of the project teaching method. At present, the research of the project teaching method is focused on the theoretical introduction, significance discussion, teaching effect research and so on. Few researches have explored the project teaching method from the teacher's point of view. What about college English teachers' cognition of project-based teaching method? How can college English teachers use the project-based teaching method flexibly in their teaching practice? What factors affect the implementation of the project teaching method? These questions about localization of western teaching methods are important topics worthy of further discussion in foreign language teaching in China. By reviewing the domestic and foreign research results on project-based teaching methods and teachers' beliefs, this study combines with the practice of college English teaching in China. This paper analyzes the acceptance and application of project-based approach in college English teaching from the perspective of college English teachers' cognition. The study mainly examines the teachers' beliefs and practices in the project-based approach, and discusses the relationship between teachers' beliefs and teaching practice, as well as the various factors that affect the implementation of the project-based approach. It is hoped that the research results will be helpful for college English teachers to implement the project teaching method better, improve the quality of college English teaching and improve classroom efficiency, and promote the process of college English teaching reform. In this study, five college English teachers with project teaching experience were interviewed and observed in class, and relevant documents such as teaching plan and teaching materials were collected. It is found that college English teachers have a positive attitude towards project-based teaching, highly evaluate the merits of project-based teaching, and actively implement project-based approach in teaching. However, although teachers have achieved certain results in different ways, such as students' interest in learning English, high participation in classroom activities, more opportunities for oral written language practice, and enhanced cooperative ability. There are still some problems that affect the effective development of the project teaching method. For example, it is difficult for teachers to widely implement project-based teaching methods because of their large amount of teaching and short class hours; the lack of relevant training opportunities, teaching auxiliary resources and teaching guidance, the restriction of understanding and practice of project-based teaching methods, and the large number of class students. Teachers are unable to give effective overall guidance, etc. In a word, this study explores the practice of project-based approach from the perspective of college English teachers' cognition, which can enrich the research of project teaching method and teachers' cognition, and provide enlightenment for improving the quality of college English teaching and promoting the reform of college English teaching. Therefore, it has certain theoretical and practical value.


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