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发布时间:2018-04-25 10:31

  本文选题:英语学习成绩 + 英语自我效能感 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Junior middle school is an important stage in people's learning life. It not only expands the knowledge learned before, but also lays a good foundation for later learning. As one of the key courses, the importance of English is even more obvious. However, due to the great differences between English and Chinese and the fact that we use Chinese as our mother tongue, we seldom use English in our communication, which results in a lot of junior high school students' English proficiency being low. Therefore, how to improve junior high school students' English academic achievement has become a common concern. In the traditional view, people think about how to improve their English performance, and pay more attention to the reasons of learning behavior, such as listening carefully and reviewing carefully, but they ignore the non-intelligence factors and the sense of self-efficacy in English learning. Many junior high school students' poor English learning will lead to the weakening of their sense of self-efficacy in English learning, and the decrease of their sense of efficacy will in turn reduce their learning motivation and lead to poor English performance, thus forming a vicious circle. Therefore, in order to improve junior high school students' English achievement, we should not only pay attention to English learning strategies, but also pay more attention to the improvement of English learning self-efficacy. The concept of self-efficacy was first put forward by Bandura in 1977. It refers to the evaluation and subjective judgment of an individual's confidence in whether he has the ability to accomplish a certain activity. It plays an important role in predicting the individual's behavior (Bandura 1977). Self-efficacy theory points out that individuals tend to expect the results of their own behavior, which will encourage individuals to participate in the activities more actively. This thesis is based on social learning theory, humanism theory and attribution theory, taking a junior high school student in Jinan as the research object, and using the questionnaire of English learning self-efficacy as the research tool. With the help of SPSS, descriptive analysis, independent sample T test, correlation analysis and so on, this paper analyzes the correlation between English learning self-efficacy and English achievement from the perspective of different grades and gender. Through the study from two different angles of gender and age, this paper hopes to improve junior high school students' English achievement effectively and provide some theoretical reference and basis for junior high school English teaching. Through the discussion of the survey data, the following conclusions are drawn: first, from the gender perspective, there is no significant difference in English learning self-efficacy of junior high school students; secondly, from the grade perspective, the English learning self-efficacy of junior high school students is not significantly different. There are significant differences in English learning self-efficacy among junior high school students, and it decreases with the increase of grade. Furthermore, there is a significant positive correlation between English learning self-efficacy and English achievement of junior high school students. In view of the conclusion of this study, the author puts forward some suggestions such as correct attribution, model demonstration and reasonable learning strategy training through attribution training, so as to improve junior high school students' sense of self-efficacy in English learning and further improve their English achievement. At the same time, it also points out the need for improvement in this study, and puts forward some suggestions for further study.


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