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发布时间:2018-04-26 19:37

  本文选题:传记 + 顺应 ; 参考:《南京大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:传记兼具历史性和文学性,翻译中既要保证信息准确传递,又要保证文学审美。传记作品《彰显天赋:王尔德在北美》(Declaring His Genius:Oscar Wilde in North America)主要介绍了王尔德在北美的演讲经历。本文从语境顺应的视角,以该传记第六章的翻译实践为例,探讨了直译和意译法在传记文本翻译中的应用。本文作者在翻译初期,将传记的文学性放在第一位。由于在直译和意译方法的使用上未平衡好,在句子的拆分合并、句序调整和词语增减等方面常有过度使用倾向。因此,如何合理使用直译和意译两种翻译方法,保证翻译的准确和文学性,就成了本文要探讨的问题。本文回顾了传记翻译和维索尔伦顺应论的研究情况,发现顺应论虽在翻译界广为采用,但较少运用到传记文本的翻译中,而传记翻译的相关理论比较少,关注较多的是传记翻译中译者的角色,以及应如何做好传记翻译这样宽泛的话题,很少涉及到具体的翻译策略。本文认为,在传记文本翻译上,直译和意译不可偏废。具体用哪种翻译方法需要视情况决定。具体来说,在传记翻译中,第一,在翻译引用语时应顺应语言语境,尽量采用直译法,保持原汁原味。第二,涉及到历史、文化、宗教或具有特殊语境的词语、段落时,不能机械直译,应将可能会影响译文读者理解的隐含内容补充出来,以顺应读者的心理世界。第三,变化了的概念如地理位置等不能机械直译,而应采用意译法,同样是为了顺应读者的心理世界。第四,反映时空因素和交际者的生理、外貌等特点的内容也应尽量使用意译法,以顺应物理世界。第五,一些特殊的称呼、头衔和评价等,宜直译,以顺应社交世界,充分体现人物的社会关系、社会地位和社交场合。
[Abstract]:Biographies are both historical and literary. In translation, we should not only guarantee the accurate transmission of information, but also guarantee the aesthetic of literature. The biographer "showing the gift: Wang Erde" focuses on the speech experience of Wang Erde in North America. From the perspective of contextual adaptation, this paper explores the application of literal translation and free translation in the translation of biographical texts, taking the translation practice in chapter 6 of the biography as an example. In the early stage of translation, the author puts the literary character of biographies first. Since the use of literal and free translation methods is not well balanced, there is a tendency to overuse sentences in the aspects of sentence splitting and merging, sentence order adjustment, word addition and subtraction, and so on. Therefore, how to use two translation methods, literal translation and free translation, to ensure the accuracy and literariness of translation has become a problem to be discussed in this paper. This paper reviews the studies of biographical translation and Visorun's adaptation theory. It is found that although adaptation theory is widely used in translation circles, it is seldom used in the translation of biographical texts, but there are few related theories in biographical translation. Much attention is paid to the role of the translator in the translation of biographies, and how to do well in the translation of biographies, which rarely involves specific translation strategies. This paper argues that literal translation and free translation should not be biased in the translation of biographical texts. Which translation method should be used depends on the situation. Specifically, in biographical translation, first, we should adapt to the linguistic context in the translation of citations and try our best to adopt literal translation to maintain the original taste. Secondly, when it comes to historical, cultural, religious or special context words and phrases, they should not be translated mechanically, and the implied contents which may affect the readers' understanding should be supplemented in order to adapt to the readers' psychological world. Thirdly, the changed concepts, such as geographical location, should not be translated mechanically, but should be translated freely in order to adapt to the readers' psychological world. Fourth, the contents reflecting the characteristics of space-time factors and communicators' physiology and appearance should also use free translation as far as possible in order to adapt to the physical world. Fifth, some special forms of address, title and evaluation are suitable for literal translation in order to conform to the social world and fully reflect the social relations, social status and social situation of the characters.


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