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发布时间:2018-04-26 21:08

  本文选题:信息型文本 + 文化补偿 ; 参考:《牡丹江师范学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This thesis is a reflective study based on the translation practice of Chinese-English translation in Chapter 4. According to Newmark's text type theory, the text belongs to informational text and has two main characteristics. First of all, there are many words with cultural connotations in the text. Secondly, there are many complicated long sentences and parallel short sentences in the text which, if literal translation, will cause semantic loss and confusion to the reader, and the necessary semantic compensation should be carried out in translation. This thesis is divided into four parts: the first part briefly introduces the background and significance of the translation project, the second part reviews the translation process from three aspects: early preparation, intermediate translation and late proofreading. Guided by the theory of translation compensation, the author discusses the difficulties in translation and makes a detailed analysis of the translation strategies and methods from two aspects: lexical compensation and sentence compensation. In the lexical compensation, the author uses the methods of adding translation, annotating in the text and concretization to compensate the words with cultural connotation in the text. In sentence compensation, the author realizes semantic compensation at sentence level by splitting, combining, voice conversion and order changing. In the fourth part, the author summarizes the whole translation report, points out the shortcomings of the translation, and puts forward some suggestions on the translation practice in the future.


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