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发布时间:2018-04-26 23:39

  本文选题:外语学习动机 + 英语阅读动机 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:在外语学习中,阅读作为语言输入的主要途径,对学习者的语言习得起着至关重要的作用。为了提高外语学习者的阅读能力,仅教授阅读模式和阅读策略是不够的,学习者还必须具有很强的阅读动机。然而,与整体英语学习动机的大量文献相比,英语阅读动机则鲜有研究。因此,本文调查了南京市S中学221名初中学生的英语阅读动机,希望在这方面有所补充。221名初中生参与了此项研究,并完成了一份改编自Wigfie1d和Guthrie (1999)的阅读动机调查问卷和两份阅读理解测试卷以及半结构化访谈。旨在回答如下问题:1)初中生对待英语阅读是何种态度?他们有什么阅读喜好? 2)构成中国初中生英语阅读动机的因子有哪些? 3)初中生的英语阅读动机与他们的阅读成绩有何关系?本文主要通过SPSS 17.0统计软件对数据进行描述性分析,因子分析以及相关性分析。得出如下研究结果:1)总体而言,国内初中生在英语阅读方面表现出积极的态度;阅读方面兴趣较为广泛,阅读内容丰富,阅读材料最多的有考试辅导资料,中英文对照的简写本小说,英语报刊、杂志以及科普读物。2)初中生英语阅读动机呈现多层面特征,本研究共确认了9个阅读因子,分别命名为阅读的成就-内在价值、外在实用价值、阅读顺从、阅读的自我效能、阅读工作避免、阅读挑战、阅读认可、阅读成绩和阅读材料。3)初中生英语阅读动机和阅读成绩之间存在相关性,其中阅读的成就-内在价值、阅读的自我效能、阅读成绩、阅读的外在实用价值、阅读顺从与阅读成绩之间存在显著正相关,而阅读工作避免与阅读成绩之间存在显著负相关。后续的半结构化访谈也部分证实了以上研究结果。基于以上发现,本文总结了提高初中生英语阅读动机的教学启示:1)培养学生的阅读兴趣;2)提高学生的阅读效能感;3)激发学生的阅读外在实用价值动机。论文最后指出了本研究的局限性,并对今后的研究提出了一些建议。
[Abstract]:In foreign language learning, reading, as the main way of language input, plays an important role in language acquisition. In order to improve the reading ability of foreign language learners, it is not enough to teach reading patterns and strategies, and learners must have strong reading motivation. However, compared with the literature on English learning motivation as a whole, there is little research on English reading motivation. Therefore, this paper investigates 221 junior middle school students' English reading motivation in Nanjing S Middle School, hoping to supplement the study of 221 junior high school students in this respect. A reading motivation questionnaire adapted from Wigfie1d and Guthrie 1999, two reading comprehension questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were completed. The purpose is to answer the following question: 1) what is the attitude of junior high school students towards English reading? What are their reading preferences? 2) what are the factors that make up Chinese junior high school students' English reading motivation? 3) what is the relationship between junior high school students' English reading motivation and their reading achievement? In this paper, the descriptive analysis, factor analysis and correlation analysis of the data are carried out by SPSS 17.0 statistical software. The results are as follows: 1) in general, junior high school students in China have a positive attitude towards English reading; they have extensive interest in reading, rich reading content, and most reading materials, such as exam guidance materials, reading materials, reading materials, reading materials, reading materials, reading materials, reading materials, reading materials and reading materials. The English reading motivation of junior high school students presents multi-level characteristics. This study confirmed nine reading factors, named Achievement of Reading-Inherent value, respectively. There were correlations between English reading motivation and reading achievement in junior high school students, such as external practical value, reading obedience, self-efficacy, reading avoidance, reading challenge, reading recognition, reading achievement and reading material. Among them, there is a significant positive correlation between reading achievement-intrinsic value, reading self-efficacy, reading achievement, reading external practical value, reading compliance and reading achievement, while there is a significant negative correlation between reading avoidance and reading achievement. Subsequent semi-structured interviews also partially confirmed the above findings. Based on the above findings, this paper summarizes the teaching enlightenment of improving junior high school students' English reading motivation: (1) Fostering students' reading interest (2) improving students' sense of reading efficacy (3) stimulating students' motivation of reading external practical value. Finally, the paper points out the limitations of this study and puts forward some suggestions for future research.


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