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发布时间:2018-04-26 23:40

  本文选题:同课异构 + 案例分析 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是高中英语同课异构的案例分析,具体为对三位高中英语教师对取自于高中英语模块一的补充读本中的扩展阅读Life is all abut choices案例进行描述与分析。三位教师采用不同的教学设计上同一节课。其理论基础是Krashen的输入假说,支架理论以及图式理论。本案例分析的意义在于四个方面:其一是帮助教师完善教学设计;其二是帮助教师深入反思并提高教学技能;其三是帮助教师学习其他教师的先进之处以便完善自己;其四是促进教师的专业发展。同课异构案例分析包括以下几个步骤:反复观看教学视频并转写视频;对课堂进行描述、讨论和分析;对课堂反思并总结其改进之处。本研究详细地描述了三节课的过程并逐一进行分析。三位教师分别标记为TA,TB和TC。TA主要采用总结策略进行授课。第一步,了解在一场严重事故中生存下来的主人公迈克尔;第二步,总结故事情节:尽管迈克尔经历了磨难,他仍然选择积极地活着;第三步,总结主人公对生活态度的选择:乐观的,意志坚强的和积极的;第四步,讨论课文,总结文章主题:生活充满选择。TB主要采用了任务型教学法,任务一就是让学生通过回答一个有关于考试失利的问题来感知主题;任务二就是让学生通过分析支撑句来总结主人公迈克尔的性格;任务三就是让学生通过观看一个主人公为艾米的视频来找到艾米和迈克尔的共同点;任务四就是让学生通过回答两个假设性的问题来将知识运用到实际生活中。TC主要采用PWP教学模式来实施教学。阅读前,让学生思考一个有关于考试失利的问题并表达观点,另外,让学生提出在预习阶段对于本课的疑惑;阅读中,教师通过单选和填空帮助学生分析迈克尔的经历和性格。阅读后,学生用自己的语言复述课文。其后,学生思考情境:当你被困于荒岛,你想让谁来陪伴你,并表达观点。本研究的主要发现如下:总的来说,三位教师的教学思路清晰,在全面分析学生的基础之上展现了独一无二的课堂。就优点而言,“选择”一词重复地出现在TA的课堂上,强调了主题。通过使用总结策略,TA使学生更加容易地掌握了课文的内容和结构。TB通过让学生一步一步地完成任务,最终使他们能够解决生活中的实际问题。另外,她提出的没有标准答案的假设性问题也使得学生能够充分地表达观点。TC花了充足的时间在帮助学生分析文章和处理文章细节上,这有利于他们充分掌握基础知识。他还根据学情设置问题和任务,这使得学生能够大胆地表达观点。就缺点而言,TA首先让学生关注迈克尔所发生的事情,但是后来,她仍然花时间让学生总结故事情节,这或许是对时间的浪费。TB花了过多的时间在分析迈克尔的性格上,而忽视了引导学生关注迈克尔的经历,这会使得学生不能够完全地理解文章。TC的课堂有过多的练习,比如单选,这会使学生对这节课感到枯燥。简言之,由于三位教师不同的教学理念,教学经验和性格,其教学效果各有千秋。本研究有三点不足:第一,由于作者并没有亲身参与课堂,因此对课堂的观察和描述缺乏直观感受;第二,由于缺乏观摩老师和参与课堂的学生的评价,因此对于三位教师课堂的分析过于主观且片面;第三,由于教师和学生提前知道了课的目的,因此所观察的课不能很好地反映日常课堂教学。
[Abstract]:This paper is a case analysis of the isomerism of the same class in high school English. This paper describes and analyzes the case of the extended reading of Life is all abut choices from three senior high school English teachers in the supplementary reading book from the high school English module one. The three teachers adopt the same lesson in different instructional designs. The theoretical basis is the input hypothesis of Krashen, Support theory and schema theory. The significance of this case analysis lies in four aspects: one is to help teachers improve teaching design; the second is to help teachers to reflect on and improve teaching skills; third, help teachers to learn the advanced places of other teachers in order to improve themselves; the four is to promote the professional development of teachers. The analysis includes the following steps: repeated viewing of teaching video and transwriting video; describing, discussing and analyzing the classroom; reflecting on the classroom and summarizing its improvements. The study described the process of the three classes in detail and analyzed them one by one. The three teachers were marked as TA, TB and TC.TA were taught mainly by summary strategies. Step, understand the protagonist Michael who survived a serious accident; the second step, summing up the plot: Although Michael experienced a hardship, he still chose to live actively; the third step, summarize the hero's choice of life attitude: optimistic, strong will and positive; fourth steps, discuss the text, sum up the theme of the article: Life filling Full choice.TB mainly adopts the task-based teaching method. The task is to let the students perceive the subject by answering a question about the loss of the exam. The task two is to let the students summarize the character of the hero Michael by analyzing the supporting sentence; the task three is to let the students find a hero's video to find AI for Amy through a view. Rice and Michael's common point; task four is to allow students to apply knowledge to the actual life by answering two hypotheses to the actual life of.TC, mainly using PWP teaching mode to implement teaching. Before reading, let the students think about a question about the failure of the exam and express their views, in addition, let the students put forward in the preview stage for this class. In reading, the teacher helps the students to analyze Michael's experience and character through the radio and the radio. After reading, the students retell the text in their own language. Then, the students think about the situation: when you are trapped in the desert island, who will you want to accompany you and express their views. The main idea of this study is to find out as follows: three teachers' teaching ideas in general. Clearly, a unique class is displayed on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the students. In terms of the advantages, the word "selection" is repeated in the TA class, emphasizing the theme. By using the summary strategy, the TA makes it easier for students to master the content and structure of the text more easily by letting the students finish the task step by step, and finally make him a.TB. They can solve practical problems in life. In addition, the hypothetical questions that she put forward without the standard answers also make it possible for students to fully express their views.TC to help the students to analyze the articles and to deal with the details of the article, which helps them to master the basic knowledge. For the students to express their views boldly. In terms of shortcomings, TA first lets the students pay attention to what happened to Michael, but later, she still takes time to let the students summarize the story plot. It may be a waste of time for.TB to spend too much time on the analysis of Michael's character and ignore the experience of guiding students to pay attention to Michael. This will make it impossible for students to fully understand that there are too many exercises in the article.TC class, such as the single selection, which will make the students boring. In short, because of the different teaching ideas, teaching experience and character of the three teachers, the teaching effect is different. There are three shortcomings in this study. First, because the author does not participate personally Classroom, therefore, the classroom observation and description of the lack of intuitive feelings; second, due to the lack of teachers and students in the classroom evaluation, so the analysis of the three teachers is too subjective and one-sided; third, as teachers and students know the purpose of the class in advance, so the observed class can not reflect the daily classroom teaching well. Learn.



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