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发布时间:2018-04-27 12:38

  本文选题:商务洽谈 + 联络口译 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Under the background of globalization, international trade is becoming an important part of a country's economic development. With the development of economy, import and export trade is not limited to coastal and border cities. Shijiazhuang in the inland area of the import and export trade also flourished. The report is based on the week-long Dapp Import and Export Trading Company, which began Sept. 10, 2016, inviting old customers to the company's factories to introduce new products and business negotiations. I acted as a liaison interpreter for this series of talks. Dapu Import and Export Trading Company is mainly engaged in wire mesh machines, the conference is mainly around the machine screen welder. This led to the interpretation of the main two difficulties and a focus. The first difficulty is the mechanical professional knowledge, mechanical vocabulary and proper nouns more difficult to translate. Another difficult point is the translation of the content, that is, business talks. There are many problems in this activity, so it is necessary to analyze the strategies and materials of this situation. This report mainly includes four parts. The first chapter, the translation task description, briefly describes the translation task. Chapter two, the description of translation process, mainly describes the whole process of interpretation, including pre-translation preparation and so on. Chapter three, Translation case study, mainly uses translation theory and technique to analyze the interpreting activity. Chapter four, summing up translation practice, summing up accumulated experience and reflection.


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