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发布时间:2018-04-28 00:24

  本文选题: + Heaven ; 参考:《外语学刊》2017年04期

【摘要】:依安乐哲,以Heaven来翻译"天"遮蔽这个观念的诸多意涵。进一步研究发现,不仅道家哲学之中的宇宙论被转换成基督教的创世说,而且,孔夫子视为可以效仿的"天"也成为要向之呼吁的"上帝"。本文认为,可以"恕道"的推己及人、近可取譬的原则,仿造康德的"头上的星空"的表达,将"天"直接转换为the being overhead,以期直接表现许慎所解释的"颠"的意义,突出其"至高无上"的形而上意味。
[Abstract]:Yi Le-chol, using Heaven to translate "Heaven" to cover the many implications of this concept. Further studies show that not only the cosmology in Taoist philosophy is converted into Christian creationism, but also that Confucius is regarded as a "heaven" that can be emulated as a "god" to be called upon. In this paper, we believe that the principle that one can "forgive one's way" and approach one to another, imitates Kant's expression of "starry sky on the head", and converts "heaven" directly into the being overhead, in order to directly express the meaning of "subversion" as explained by Xu Shen. Highlight its "supreme" metaphysical significance.
【作者单位】: 南京大学;


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