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发布时间:2018-04-28 06:37

  本文选题:技术传播 + 技术写作 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:翻译作为中西方技术交流的重要交流媒介,在科学技术的发展过程中扮演着举足轻重的角色。然而,由于国内目前就实用型翻译,尤其是科技文本的英汉翻译而言,并没有成熟的规范体系,借鉴相关领域的成形行文规则和标准因而具有重要意义。本文介绍了国外技术传播领域中的技术写作概念,对技术写作的成熟规范体系及特点进行分析,对技术写作特点在科技文本英汉翻译中的应用予以例证,并总结该应用的实际意义。进入20世纪后半期以来,中国在社会、经济、政治、科技等多个方面飞速发展,在世界舞台上的影响力也越来越大。信息交流需求的激增带动了翻译领域的飞速发展,也同时带来了许多新的问题。在众多的翻译问题中,得益于科学技术发展的必要性,实用型文本翻译占据的比重越来越大,也对译者的汉语能力和写作能力提出了更高的的要求。然而,由于汉语实用文本写作方面仍未有明确的行文规范,在进行需要同时兼顾双语的英汉文本翻译时,要想完美地实现交流目标,难度巨大。随着国外专业知识进入中国,技术传播(Technical Communication)领域悄然到来,这是科学技术发展过程中应运而生的一种信息传递方式。作为翻译专业,笔者曾参与北卡罗来纳州立大学与南京师范大学联合推出的首届技术传播课程。通过学习笔者了解到,在技术传播领域中,技术写作(Technical Writing)是一个相当重要的组成部分,涵盖一切传递技术信息的文本类型和文本格式。值得注意的是,国外技术写作的行文规范和标准已趋于成熟,针对每一类文本类型,国外均有成文的规范加以约束。探究技术写作的规范及特点,并将其精髓应用到国内实用型文本翻译之中,相信将会对后者这一领域有着相当可观的实际意义。在本论文中,笔者将会对技术写作的写作规范及特点进行剖析,并就其对实用型文本翻译中的借鉴作用进行举例说明,为技术写作规范的广泛应用奠定基础。
[Abstract]:Translation plays an important role in the development of science and technology as an important medium of communication between China and the West. However, there is no mature normative system for practical translation, especially for English-Chinese translation of scientific and technological texts, so it is of great significance to learn from the rules and standards of formative writing in relevant fields. This paper introduces the concept of technical writing in the field of technology communication abroad, analyzes the mature normative system and characteristics of technical writing, and exemplifies the application of the characteristics of technical writing in English-Chinese translation of scientific and technological texts. The practical significance of the application is summarized. Since the second half of the 20th century, China has developed rapidly in many aspects, such as society, economy, politics, science and technology, and has become more and more influential on the world stage. The surge of information exchange demand has brought about the rapid development of translation field as well as many new problems. Among the many translation problems, due to the necessity of the development of science and technology, the practical text translation occupies an increasing proportion, and puts forward higher requirements for the translator's Chinese ability and writing ability. However, since there is no clear standard in the writing of practical Chinese texts, it is very difficult to achieve the goal of communication perfectly in the process of bilingual translation of English and Chinese texts at the same time. With the entry of foreign professional knowledge into China, the field of Technical Communication has come quietly, which is a kind of information transmission method that arises at the historic moment in the process of the development of science and technology. As a major in translation, the author participated in the first technology communication course jointly launched by North Carolina State University and Nanjing normal University. The author learned that in the field of technical communication, Technical Writing is a very important part, covering all the text types and text formats that transmit technical information. It is worth noting that the technical writing rules and standards of foreign countries have become mature. For each type of text, there are written norms in foreign countries. It is believed that exploring the norms and characteristics of technical writing and applying its essence to domestic practical text translation will be of considerable practical significance to the latter field. In this paper, the author will analyze the writing norms and characteristics of technical writing, and illustrate its reference role in practical text translation, thus laying a foundation for the wide application of technical writing norms.


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