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发布时间:2018-04-28 12:50

  本文选题:翻译标准多元互补论 + 英译汉 ; 参考:《西华大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The issue of translation standards has always been the focus of the debate in the field of translation studies. Since the emergence of translatology, scholars both at home and abroad have been anxious to find or discuss a kind of translation standards that can be used to translate rivers and lakes, guide all translation practice, and have emerged many influential translation standards and translation theories, which are more mature from abroad. The theory of "teleology" and "functional equivalence" and the modern and modern translation theories in China have the three characters of Yan Fu's "faith, Da, elegance", Fu Lei's "God like theory", Qian Zhongshu's "theory of Chemistry" and Xu Yuan's "three American theories", which are the manifestation of the development of translation studies, but many theories and practical applications are difficult to say. It is difficult to excessively abstract and obscure the definition of translation standards. There are many theoretical standards such as "reciprocity", "faith, Da, Ya", "divine", "God like", "beauty", "beauty" and so on. However, the function and guidance of the translation practice are not clear. In the practical translation practice, there are always translations outside the theory. Professor Gu Zhengkun Since the "multiple complementarity of translation standards" was put forward in the 80s of last century, the theory that the absolute standard of translation is the original, the highest standard is the best approximation. The absolute standard and the highest standard of translation are one yuan and the specific standard is pluralistic. This three-dimensional translation theory greatly extends the translation field. The research space also widens the field of view of the scholars in the field of translation studies, which is more forward-looking than other existing translation theories in China. However, the domestic translation studies are mostly in the introduction and interpretation of foreign theories of translatology, the application of foreign translation theories in specific translation practice, and the neglect of the theory of native translation studies. The study, interpretation and application, in the theory of interpretation of specific translation practice, are widely discussed, but not in the theoretical height. This is the reason why this thesis chooses the translation text to explore the translation text with the multiple complementarity theory of translation standards. The brand effect is a wonderful link in the business operation. The closer economic contacts between China and the West have made a large number of foreign brands pouring into the Chinese field of vision. The translation of foreign brand names is particularly important, because this will greatly affect the growth of the brand in China. This paper will be from the perspective of multiple complementary translation standards. In addition, the brand name examples in this paper are all from the top 500 of the 2015 world brand names, focusing on the translation of brand names in English, and trying to explore the translation strategies of brand names, while the number and diversity of examples can bring positive evidence to the multiple translation complementarity theory. The second part of the thesis introduces the literature review of this study in detail. The third part expounds the research status of the multiple complementarity theory of translation standards, the source of the theory, the theory itself and the related comments, and the fourth part focuses on the analysis of the application of the theory of multiple translation complementarity in the translation of specific brand names. The general strategy of brand name translation is put forward from the perspective of multiple translation complementarity theory. The fifth part is the conclusion.



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