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发布时间:2018-04-29 07:15

  本文选题:《人口老龄化对中国人口发展战略的制约和影响》 + 汉英翻译 ; 参考:《鲁东大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Population aging is one of the major challenges facing most countries in the 21 st century. Population problem as a basic variable seriously affects the development of social economy. To study and discuss the problem of aging population in China not only provides solutions to the serious population problems in China, but also provides scientific research examples for other countries. The result of the National Social Science Fund's research project, "the restriction and influence of population Aging on China's population Development Strategy", is a research report and a collection of papers on decision-making consultation. The book has been selected as a candidate bibliography for the Chinese academic translation project of the National Social Science Fund. The translation helps to disseminate the demographic research results of Chinese scholars and contribute to the academic exchanges between China and foreign countries. There is no English translation of the book, so it is necessary and original. This translation project takes the two parts of the book as the target of Chinese-English translation, I. E. preface and ninth thesis, with a total of more than ten thousand words. On the basis of translation practice, complete the practice report. This constitutes the content of this thesis. The preface of the book describes the background, significance and methods of the research, the basic contents of the study, the main findings, important viewpoints and policy suggestions, academic innovation and social evaluation, and so on. The main content of the paper "Policy recommendations on realizing the Strategic balance of population scale pressure and Aging pressure in China" involves the huge population scale pressure and population aging pressure that our country is facing at the same time. It is of great significance to realize the balance of the two kinds of population pressure strategies, and to relax the fertility policy gradually by a moderate margin under the premise of adhering to the basic national policy of family planning, and the relevant policy suggestions. The book states that the writing style is simple, clear, objective, logical, informative and argumentative. It presents a typical academic language style and belongs to reproduction text. In translation, the main translation strategy adopted by the translator is reproduction translation, that is, the application of reproduction techniques, focusing on the analysis of the principle, language, style and appearance of the original text and translation reproduction. In principle, the translation is objective, complete and meticulous; in terms of language, it is accurate, fluent and vivid; in terms of style, it seeks simplicity, symmetry and unity. Through the reproduction of the three aspects of the original text, the translation is more consistent with the original text in terms of principle, language, style and appearance. The selection of translation methods is based on the above-mentioned contents. The overall goal of translation is to achieve the level of publication of English academic works, to promote academic exchanges between China and foreign countries, and to make the world understand the current situation of China's aging population and how to deal with it.


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9 记者 王陶;我州启动人口发展战略课题研究[N];红河日报;2012年

10 本报评论员 宁新春;崛起的城市亟需系统的人口发展战略[N];东莞日报;2012年

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