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发布时间:2018-04-30 12:02

  本文选题:目的论 + 文本类型理论 ; 参考:《北京外国语大学》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的论是功能主义翻译理论中最重要的理论,20世纪80年代由德国两位著名翻译理论家Hans J. Vermeer和Katherina Reiss创立。功能主义翻译目的论为翻译研究提供了新的视角。Christiane Nord梳理了功能派各学说,,发现目的论模式有两个互相关联的局限性:一是关于翻译模式的文化专属性,二是关于译者与原文作者之间的关系。因此她提出译者应该遵循“功能加忠诚”的指导原则,从而完善了功能主义翻译理论。笔者翻译实践项目《户外活动新思维:森林和田野手册》是美国作家Daniel Carter Beard所著的一本户外活动手册。首先,笔者利用Reiss的文本类型理论分析文本。在实际翻译过程中,遵循目的原则、连贯原则、忠实原则和忠诚原则,针对不同的问题采用不同的对策。对于目的语读者不了解的内容和背景知识,利用译注加以说明。针对拟声词的翻译,采用音译、意译加注或音译和意译结合的方法。本文一共分为5部分,第1部分为引言;第2部分对功能主义翻译目的论方面的文献进行综述;第3部分详细阐述功能主义翻译日的论;第4部分是翻译案例分析;第5部分是总结。
[Abstract]:Skopos theory is the most important theory in functionalist translation theory. It was founded in 1980s by two famous German translation theorists, Hans J. Vermeer and Katherina Reiss. Functionalist Skopos Theory provides a new perspective for translation studies. Christiane Nord combs the theories of functionalism and finds that Skopos model has two interrelated limitations: first, the cultural specificity of translation mode. Second, the relationship between the translator and the author. Therefore, she suggests that translators should follow the guiding principle of "function plus loyalty", thus perfecting the functionalist translation theory. New thinking on Outdoor activities: a Forest and Field Handbook is a handbook of outdoor activities written by American writer Daniel Carter Beard. First of all, the author uses Reiss's text type theory to analyze the text. In the process of translation, we follow the Skopos principle, coherence principle, loyalty principle and loyalty principle, and adopt different countermeasures to different problems. For the target language readers do not understand the content and background, using the translation to explain. For the translation of onomatopoeia, transliteration, free translation plus note or combination of transliteration and free translation are adopted. The thesis is divided into five parts, the first part is the introduction, the second part is the literature review of functionalist Skopos theory, the third part elaborates the theory of functionalist translation day, the fourth part is the case study of translation. The fifth part is a summary.


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