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发布时间:2018-04-30 13:20

  本文选题:高中 + 英语 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper focuses on the practice of cooperative learning in English extracurricular groups in senior high school, in order to provide a new and effective version of teaching practice for the development of cooperative learning in English extracurricular groups in senior high school. This paper first reviews the previous researches on cooperative learning and summarizes the relevant schools of cooperative learning and its main points of view. On the basis of this, the paper discusses and summarizes many urgent problems in English cooperative learning in senior high school by means of questionnaire survey: cooperative learning is too formalized and lacks clear purpose, and the management of cooperative learning is improper. The role orientation of teachers in cooperative learning is inaccurate, the group is arbitrary and the division of labor within the group is lacking. Then it analyzes the causes of the problems in senior high school English cooperative learning: teachers' lack of theoretical knowledge and innovative practice; the relative lag of school operation mode and management; the lack of rationality in teaching content arrangement; and the lack of cooperative consciousness among students. Finally, the paper puts forward some strategies and suggestions to solve the problems existing in English cooperative learning in senior high school: teachers should make full theoretical and practical preparations, teachers should position their different roles in cooperative learning, and adopt a diversified evaluation system. Enhance students' cooperative consciousness and skills; allocate study groups rationally; arrange teaching content rationally; choose appropriate ways and methods; create reasonable teaching situation. After a comprehensive analysis of the development of cooperative English learning in senior high schools in China, this paper focuses on how to implement cooperative learning in extracurricular groups in senior high school English teaching from the theoretical and practical aspects. This paper discusses in detail the relationship between teachers and students, the principle of grouping, the implementation scheme and the evaluation mechanism. The paper points out that the most important relationship between teachers and students is a kind of equal cooperative relationship in the cooperative learning of high school English extracurricular groups, and they discuss and communicate with each other in equal status on various problems in their study. Of course, in the process of cooperative learning, there are obvious differences in the division of roles between teachers and students, although the status of teachers and students is equal. The role of a teacher includes: organizer, participant, mentor, supervisor, evaluator. As a student, the main role in English extracurricular cooperative learning is the main participant and the protagonist of learning activities. As for the grouping in extracurricular group cooperative learning, the author holds that the principle of "heterogeneity within groups, homogeneity among groups" must be adhered to, and the ability level among groups should be basically consistent in order to make the competition between groups fair. As for the implementation of cooperative learning in English extracurricular groups, the author believes that in the implementation of cooperative learning in English extracurricular groups in senior high school, the two most important parts are: one is the arrangement of people, the other is the determination of learning contents and objectives. On the evaluation mechanism, the author thinks that the scientific and reasonable multiple evaluation mechanism should be used to evaluate the cooperative learning of English extracurricular groups in senior high school. In the end, the author puts the results of the study on cooperative learning practice in the first year of senior high school in X County HR High School, and gets a good result. Based on the practical study of cooperative learning in English group in senior high school, this paper puts forward the teaching methods of extracurricular group cooperative learning, which can be used for reference by other English teachers.


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